Books & Periodicals

Material in this specialist market ranges from the early printed works of the Gutenberg Press and William Caxton right through to Modern First Editions and now up to signed copies of Harry Potter. Condition and rarity are the keys to this sector.

California court

Trade wins clarification over California law

23 October 2017

A coalition of auction houses and book dealers has succeeded in rewording a controversial new law governing the sale of autographed collectables in California.


Sims’ Psalmes answer saleroom prayers

23 October 2017

Printed in 1606 by Valentine Sims of London and in a contemporary limp vellum binding with gilt armorials to the covers, the little 12mo volume shown above combines …the Kings Psalmes with The Queen’s Prayers of Meditations.


Virginia and Vanessa joint production is dust the thing

23 October 2017

A copy of the 1925, Hogarth Press first of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway attracted a great deal of competition in a Cotswold Auction Company (20% buyer’s premium) sale of October 3 and finally sold at £18,000.


Book sale surprises spring up in the north and south

23 October 2017

Sales held on consecutive days in Edinburgh and London produced two lots that ended up selling for far, far higher than expected sums.


Early printed works measure up

23 October 2017

The celebrated Columbus letter announcing his discovery of a New World, sold for $620,000 (£462,000), was very much the star turn at Bonhams New York (25/20/12% buyer’s premium) on September 26 (see ATG No 2313).

Thames Tunnel, Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Can you dig it: Brunel Thames Tunnel archive of designs on offer in London auction

19 October 2017

London is a city now thoroughly used to tunnels. Tube travel has become a normal way to get about the bustling capital and has been for many years. Meanwhile, the huge Crossrail project tunnel section heading east from Paddington is scheduled for December next year.


Further journeys worldwide via the Bonham library

16 October 2017

Last week’s first report on the fine travel library of John and Suzanne Bonham at Sotheby’s (25/20/12.5% buyer’s premium) focused on the Middle East, India, Central Asia and the Far East. This second selection begins with an African discovery and ends at the South Pole.


Warblers, hummers and hunters at auction

16 October 2017

Pictures, prints and taxidermic displays accounted for the larger part of the Ornithology Sale held by Keys (17.5% buyer’s premium) on September 22, but it also offered some 175 book lots, many of them multiples.

Logarithms that add to trigonometry study

16 October 2017

Sold for £1100 by Chiswick Auctions (23% buyer’s premium) on September 27 was a copy of the posthumously published, 1633 first of Henry Briggs’ Trigonometria britannica….

Beatrix Potter family links

16 October 2017

Children’s books sold at Forum included a couple of appealing Beatrix Potter items that were first owned by Francis William Clark, who was just two when he was sent a 1912 first of The Tale of Mr Tod.


Reach for the stars, take an Irish tour or Potter around

16 October 2017

An example of the extremely rare, “surreptitious” edition of John Flamsteed’s Historia Coelestis… – a star atlas that is one of the great rarities in its field – made a record £43,000 at Forum Auctions (25/20/12% buyer’s premium) on September 27.


The polar explorers who searched for fellow explorer Franklin

16 October 2017

A single-owner collection focusing on the polar regions was a notable feature of the travel section of the October 4 sale held by Dominic Winter (19.5% buyer’s premium). It included, at a 10-times estimate £3000, the posthumously published Memoirs of Lieutenant Joseph Rene Bellot.

Ship logbook Australia

Logbook recording brutal treatment of teenage 'exiles' transported to Australia sells for £11,000 at Gloucestershire auction

10 October 2017

A logbook recording three voyages to Australia and the Far East made in 1847-52, two of them transporting young prisoners, or 'exiles', to Australia, led Dominic Winter’s latest sale.


5 Questions: Ed Lake of Jarndyce Antiquarian Booksellers

09 October 2017

Ed Lake works at Jarndyce Antiquarian Booksellers, specialist in 18th and 19th century English literature and history. His parents opened the business in 1969 and it is based in Great Russell Street, across from the British Museum. The shop’s ground floor has been renovated to recreate a 19th-century bookshop.


Columbus discovers the ‘wrong’ kind of Indies

09 October 2017

“My lord, because I know that you will take pleasure in the great victory which our Lord has granted me on this voyage, I write you this letter, by which you will learn how… I crossed to the Indies, where I found many islands populated with innumerable inhabitants; and I have taken possession of all of them…”


Ink fair off to a flying start

09 October 2017

At the Ink Fair London on October 25-27, Susanne Sculz-Falster Rare Books offers this collection of 241 butterfly and moth prints housed in a 22-drawer collector’s cabinet, right, for £7500.


Following the A-Z travel guide at auction

09 October 2017

The first book sale of the new season at Sotheby’s (25/20/12% buyer’s premium) dispersed the travel library of John and Suzanne Bonham, well-known specialist dealers in the British and international antiquarian book trade.


La Reine’s regal return

09 October 2017

When the French literature section of the great Bradley Martin library was sold in 1989 (at Sotheby’s Monaco), an 1845 first of 'La Reine Margot' by Alexandre Dumas père was offered as part of a job lot of three of his works that sold for FFr11,500 (£1100).

Daniel Beeckman's 'Voyage to the island of Borneo'

Orang-utans at auction – 'Man of the Forest' emerges to makes two rare public appearances

05 October 2017

Once believed by other inhabitants of the region to be people who hid in the forests so as to avoid being put to work or taken as slaves, orang-utans undertook a couple of significant auction outings as part of Sotheby's sale of the travel library of John and Suzanne Bonham.

Chicago before the inferno

02 October 2017

An exceptionally rare bird’s eye view of Chicago before the devastating fire of 1871 that destroyed so much of the old city was sold for $160,000 (£118,520) by local saleroom Leslie Hindman (20/20/12% buyer’s premium) on September 15.

