Books & Periodicals

Material in this specialist market ranges from the early printed works of the Gutenberg Press and William Caxton right through to Modern First Editions and now up to signed copies of Harry Potter. Condition and rarity are the keys to this sector.


Pioneering Caxton work leads the way for an impressive diverse selection

20 September 2021

Three very different lots brought six-figure bids at a Christie’s (25/20/14.5% buyer’s premium) summer sale – and they were not the only ones to reach such impressive heights.


Saleroom with a view on Forster

13 September 2021

Author’s works were well represented in London auction that included a £24,000 surprise


Rome and India emerge in London

13 September 2021

Highlights of Chiswick Auctions earlier this summer


Pantastic poster on offer at York National Book Fair

06 September 2021

This poster was used in the promotion of the first-ever stage production of Peter Pan.


Travel to Stonehenge via Skye

06 September 2021

Many of the lots in a June 16 sale of books, maps and pictures held by Thomson Roddick (18% buyer’s premium) in Carlisle came from the collections of the late Dr George Kozikowski of Skye, a microbiologist, archaeologist and antiquarian of Polish descent.


Steve Jobs signature is a write rarity

06 September 2021

Apple founder Steve Jobs rarely signed autographs so a signature from the man behind the Apple computer, the iPod and the iPhone, is in hot demand.

British and Irish book auctions: September 7-23, 2021

06 September 2021

Our regular listing of UK and Irish book auctions.


From boy wizard to cat in a hat

30 August 2021

New York sale maintains run of high JK Rowling prices while Dr Seuss surfaces also in UK


Rare and costly Ptolemaic prize discovered in Turin

30 August 2021

Estimated at €50,000 but sold for €405,000 (£346,275) in a sale held in Turin by was a 1482 edition of Ptolemy’s Cosmographia.


Rare copy of important work by proto-feminist bid to 10-times estimate

30 August 2021

A recent sale in New York was led at $65,000 (£47,100) by a disbound but rare example of the work of Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-95).

British and Irish book auctions: August 31-September 19

30 August 2021

Our regular listing of UK and Irish book auctions.


First book-form edition of Middlemarch sets record at Doyle

30 August 2021

George Eliot’s much-admired novel 'Middlemarch…' made its first appearance in a parts issue in 1871.


Private press sector comes to the fore in Gloucestershire auction

23 August 2021

Morris works and Sangorski & Sutcliffe bindings stand out in single-owner collection


Records of doomed North Pole balloon expedition sold at Swedish sale

23 August 2021

Two unpublished diaries sold in Sweden related to Salomon August Andrée’s ill-fated attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon.

British and Irish book auctions: August 24-September 11, 2021

23 August 2021

Our regular listing of UK and Irish book auctions.


Expert shows cutting-edge skills

23 August 2021

In terms of improvement on expectations, the most successful lot at a Ketterer Kunst (25% buyer’s premium) sales earlier this year comprised early 19th century paper-cuts.

British and Irish book auctions: August 17-September 3, 2021

16 August 2021

Our regular listing of UK and Irish book auctions.


19th century bartender's 'bible' makes record in San Francisco sale

16 August 2021

Published in 1862, one exceptional lot in a Californian sale that focused on food and drink was billed as “The Canonical Text in Bartending”.


Savoy cocktail book from 1930 makes rare appearance at auction

16 August 2021

Bid to £1500 in a Norfolk sale was a 1930 first of The Savoy Cocktail Book.

