

Art and antiques news from 2001

In 2001 Alfred Taubman and Sir Anthony Tennant, respectively chairmen of Sotheby's and Christie's in the 1990s, were indicted by a US federal grand jury on charges of colluding to fix rates of commission between 1993 and 1999.

Taubman received a jail sentence the following year whereas Tennant refused to leave Britain to stand trial in New York and could not be extradited because there was no equivalent criminal offence in the UK.

In other news restrictions on travel in the UK due to foot and mouth affected auctions and fairs across the country.

The attacks of 9/11, in which 3000 people died, not only disrupted fairs and sales in Manhattan but also led to fewer US buyers travelling to the UK to acquire art and antiques. Trade in antique furniture was particularly badly affected in the following years.

Dumbwaiter answers demand for quality stock

23 April 2001

GOOD stock furniture was the strength of this 289-lot, £130,000 Halls Shropshire sale on March 9 where the top price was taken by a c.1775 two-tier mahogany dumbwaiter.

Coin coup for the Fitzwilliam

23 April 2001

UK: THE Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge is celebrating a £425,000 Lottery windfall that has helped it acquire a stunning coin collection.

Minimalism? The Chinese did it first

23 April 2001

Exhibitions of desirable items from exotic locations at affordable prices has become the hallmark of the Gordon Reece Gallery, 16 Clifford Street, London W1 and this applies to the current exhibition of Antique Chinese Classical Furniture which continues until May 12.

Tate Gallery to set up library for research into British artists

23 April 2001

Letters, manuscripts and photographs from many of Britain’s most celebrated artists are to form a new art research library that will be open to the public at Tate Britain.

The greatest show afloat

23 April 2001

USA: First there was The Antiques Roadshow, now we have the Antiques Rivershow. That is the aim of a New Orleans antiques dealer who wants to take to the Mississippi on a decomissioned casino boat with the most unusual antiques fair yet devised.

Urbino majolica istoriato dish

23 April 2001

UK: This Urbino majolica istoriato dish, depicting the cutting of Samson’s hair and attributed to Francesco Xanto Avelli di Rovigo, was discovered in a box of effects following a clearance at a Fenland farmhouse and entered for sale at Golding Young & Co. of Grantham on April 11.

Laptop ‘computers’ from the days of quill and parchment

23 April 2001

Portable Writing Desks by David Harris

Dillon opens with £2000 bid for Kent

23 April 2001

F&M notwithstanding, the latest West Country Sporting sale to be held by Greenslade Taylor Hunt, the Somerset saleroom on March 30 saw its best ever attendance.

Anglo-Indian is all the Raj

23 April 2001

Furniture from British India and Ceylon: A Catalogue of the Collections in the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Peabody Essex Museum, by Amin Jaffer

Campaign Charlie is my name…

23 April 2001

British Campaign Furniture: Elegance Under Canvas 1740-1914, by Nicholas A. Brawer

Seen in a German pawnshop, a £14,000 profit

23 April 2001

The second foray to Mayfair from their custom-built rooms near Bath fell short of an unqualified success for Gardiner Houlgate (15/10 per cent buyer’s premium) but the March 18 specialist musical instruments sale at the Westbury Hotel, where some 380 lots took about £178,000, attracted enough top-level interest to put it on the map as a bi-annual event with a third planned for November.

Standards officials sell off Imperial evidence

23 April 2001

With Sunderland greengrocers being prosecuted for selling bananas in pounds and ounces rather than grammes, the British Trading Standards Association is naturally keen to be rid of its vast stocks of Imperial weights.

Bigger premises and broader attractions as Harrogate lets in the 20th century

23 April 2001

FOR 20 of its 27 years the annual Harrogate Antique and Fine Art Fair has been organised by West Country-based Louise Walker but with 80 exhibitors this year’s staging from May 3 to 6 is the biggest so far.

Not a fisherman's friend...

23 April 2001

UK: Some fishermen claim that pike have an appetite for human flesh – the elderly members of a crown green bowling club in Warrington say this stuffed and mounted 201b monster has been responsible for several fatalities among their anoraked colleagues in recent years.

“The only readable portion of the book is the title”

23 April 2001

UK: A key feature of the Bloomsbury Book Auctions sale of April 5 was a private collection of the works of A.A. Milne.

V&A announce gallery opening

18 April 2001

UK: THE V&A have announced that they are to open their new British Galleries 1500-1900 on November 22.

Gnomeman oak dining room suite

18 April 2001

UK: Mouseman – the name resounds beyond the world of arts and crafts furniture.

Rare Sevres Etruscan red ground dessert plates from the Prince Napoleon Service

18 April 2001

UK: One of this year’s most stunning finds, a group of four rare Sèvres Etruscan red ground dessert plates from the Prince Napoleon Service, 1854-6, offered at Mellors and Kirk, Nottingham, on April 5.

Five-figure stars surprise Stansted

17 April 2001

UK: Sworders, Stansted: A mammoth 1200 lots made up the March dispersal by the Essex auctioneers and there were some real quality pieces among them, both in the ceramics and the furniture.

Shuttlewood collection ‘finest since the 1950s’

17 April 2001

UK: MARCH was a busy month in London and successful with it. On the 15th, Spink (15 per cent buyer’s premium) sold the definitive collection of Tudor silver coins formed over several decades by Roger Shuttlewood.