
About 80% of the global art market by value takes place outside the UK. The largest art market in the world is the US with China in third place (after the UK) followed by France, Germany and Switzerland.

Many more nations have a rich art and antiques heritage with active auction, dealer, fair, gallery and museum sectors even if their market size by value is smaller.

Read the top stories and latest art and antiques news from all these countries.

Chinese art market concerns raise question of regulation

05 November 2012

The Chinese government is considering regulation of the country’s burgeoning but problematic art market.


Double bill of Egyptian delights

05 November 2012

The late November antiquities double bill at Drouot held by Pierre Bergé et Associés kicks off on the 29th with a library of works on Egyptology.

American trade resurface after battling Hurricane Sandy

05 November 2012

The art and antiques trade in North East America and Canada is returning to business as usual following the interruption caused by Hurricane Sandy.


Bach portrait unearthed in Alabama makes $100,000 in Philadelphia

01 November 2012

Debate has long surrounded the well-known portrait of composer Johann Sebastian Bach by German court painter and official Leipzig portraitist Elias Gottlob Haussmann (1695-1774).


New faces at Old Master fair in Paris

01 November 2012

The specialist Old Master fair ‘Paris Tableau’ set up last year in the French capital is about to embark on its second staging.

If you think you have it bad in the UK…

31 October 2012

PERSONAL VIEW: Jolyon Warwick James, President of the Australian Antique and Art Dealers’ Association (AAADA, NSW Chapter) and chairman of the Australian Antiques and Art Market Federation (AAAMF), examines the problems with the Artist’s Resale Right in Australia.


An old-school collector from Kansas City

31 October 2012

Chicago saleroom Leslie Hindman will hold a single-owner auction of property from a major Midwest estate on November 8.

Shock ruling to reveal names of consignors

23 October 2012

Christie’s have joined auctioneers William J. Jenack in a bid to overturn a legal ruling that says New York salerooms must reveal consignors’ names to buyers.

French government backs down on art tax

22 October 2012

In the face of strong opposition from the art world, the French government appeared to back down last week from a move to include works of art valued at over €50,000 in annual assessments for wealth tax.


Swanns go native for $1.2m sale

18 October 2012

Edward S. Curtis’ monumental photographic study of ‘The North American Indian’ was one of the most expensive and ambitious undertakings in the history of book production, comprising 20 illustrated text volumes and 20 folios of larger photographic plates.


Marseille picture supplies key piece to Renaissance jigsaw puzzle

16 October 2012

Rare early paintings often come to major centres such as London, Paris and New York but later this month it will be the turn of Marseille in the South of France where the Maison de Ventes Leclere will offer a chance to purchase a fragment of an Italian primitive from the early Renaissance.

Greek strikes delay Hay appeal

15 October 2012

Malcolm Hay, the dealer controversially convicted by an Athens court of trading in illegally excavated antiquities, has learnt that the hearing of the appeal he lodged in March 2011 has been delayed until February 1, 2013 owing to disruption caused by strikes in Greece.


Bacon rugs: The Third Man emerges

08 October 2012

The appearance of a Modernist carpet at a sale in Germany next month writes a further chapter in the tale of two rugs, signed ‘Francis Bacon’, that have been withdrawn from sale in the UK twice in three years.

South African trade take new steps to court Chinese buyers

08 October 2012

The growing importance of Chinese buyers in South Africa has led Ricus Dullaert of icons specialists Kunsthandel H.W.C Dullaert to employ a specialist Chinese speaker to help bridge the language divide.

Bloomsbury’s Italian franchise ends

08 October 2012

The franchise agreement under which Bloomsbury Auctions Italia has operated in Rome since September 2011 has ceased.

New wreck discovered in South China Sea

01 October 2012

Fishermen are reported to have discovered another ancient shipwreck, complete with cargo, in the South China Sea near Vung Tau off the South East coast of Vietnam.


The Scream to go on public display in NY

28 September 2012

The most expensive artwork ever sold at auction is to go on display to the public for six months at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


Export ban hits restorers using rattan

18 September 2012

The antiques trade could soon fall victim to the global rattan shortage prompted by an Indonesian export ban.

Arts of Pacific Asia cancelled after loss of NY venue

17 September 2012

While most initiatives connected with the Asian art market continue to expand apace, the ‘New York Arts of Pacific Asia Show’ – since 1995 a lynchpin of New York Asia Weeks – has announced that it will not run in the spring of 2013 due to lack of a suitable venue.

Christie’s secure exclusive deal to sell Warhol archive

17 September 2012

The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts has struck an exclusive deal with Christie’s to sell its enormous holdings of works from the artist’s estate.

