

Endangered species: ivory


Keeping up to date with CITES: An update from expert Kim McDonald of The Taxidermy Law Company

14 January 2019

The laws surrounding antiques made with the parts of endangered species are subject to frequent change. Kim McDonald of The Taxidermy Law Company provides a refresher guide...

ATG letter: Listen to Mr Spock to decide on ivory trade

07 January 2019

MADAM – F Segolini makes some interesting and valid points about the failure of alcohol prohibition in the US (Letters, ATG No 2373).

ATG letter: Just like Prohibition, ivory ban will not work

21 December 2018

MADAM – Re: ivory ban. I would very much like to add my tuppence worth to this ongoing issue.


Ivory bill receives Royal Assent from Queen to become the Ivory Act 2018

20 December 2018

The Queen has formally agreed to make the ivory bill, which proposes a near-total ban on the trade in ivory, into an Act of Parliament.

Thérèse Coffey, minister at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

UK government’s ivory bill passes final stages in Parliament on way to becoming law

12 December 2018

The ivory bill, which proposes a near-total ban on the trade in ivory, has passed its final stage in the House of Commons and is awaiting Royal Assent before it can become law next year.

ATG letter: The piece initiative on ivory

19 November 2018

MADAM – Further to the distortion of ivory figures by separate piano keys (News, ATG No 2364): surely they are further distorted by the 32 pieces in a chess set, 144 pieces in a Mahjong set, or indeed the 23 balls in an antique snooker set.

Lords amend search powers of civilian officers in ivory bill

29 October 2018

An amendment to the ivory bill raised in the House of Lords will limit the powers of accredited civilian officers.


ATG letter: Does my piano now need 52 separate licences?

29 October 2018

MADAM – We have a once fine upright piano in our salerooms, sadly rejected now at three successive sales.

Lord Inglewood

Ivory bill amendments will limit powers of the civilian officers enforcing trade ban

25 October 2018

An amendment to the ivory bill raised in the House of Lords will limit the powers of accredited civilian officers, a move welcomed by trade associations.


ATG LETTER: Ivory and rhino horn view ‘does not make sense’

22 October 2018

MADAM – It is with some interest and concern that I read in ATG No 2362 of the new restrictions being proposed to government by BADA on the trade in rhino horn.

Ivory ban law not expected until spring 2019

08 October 2018

Collectors and sellers of antique ivory are being told that the ivory ban is unlikely to become law before spring 2019, a longer lead-time than originally thought.

ATG letter: The government's lack of compensation for owners of ivory after the ban is ‘not fair’

08 October 2018

MADAM – I reply to the letter from Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra (ATG No 2359) on a number of points they made about the antiques industry's attitude to the forthcoming ivory ban.


ATG letter: ‘Politicians are ignoring the facts on ivory’

01 October 2018

MADAM – It was unfair and misleading of Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra, of Two Million Tusks, to identify the Alastair Gibson petition as “pro-ivory trade”.


ATG letter: When is the ivory trade ban due to come into force in the UK?

01 October 2018

MADAM – Could you please update us on the forthcoming ivory ban: if passed, does it become law that day or will the new rules apply later? Richard Gardiner, Chichester.


Martin Levy: "Desire to save the elephant and preserving ivory art works not mutually exclusive"

24 September 2018

MADAM – The views expressed by your correspondents Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra (ATG No 2359) cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.


House of Lords rejects ivory bill changes as legislation moves to next stage

17 September 2018

No amendments were accepted on behalf of the trade during the latest House of Lords debate on the bill.

ATG letter: If the trade cares about elephants, it must support this ban

17 September 2018

MADAM – As representatives of Two Million Tusks, we are writing to express our profound disappointment at ATG’s promotion of Alastair Gibson’s pro-ivory trade petition [Editor writes: petition is to increase the proposed de minimis exemption for antique ivory from 10% to 50%].


House of Lords: Ivory bill is a “stringent and draconian ban”

14 September 2018

A House of Lords debate heard from a handful of members of the upper house who opposed elements of the ivory bill and deemed it “ill-conceived”, “stringent”, “draconian” and creates “massive and unnecessary bureaucracy”.

House of Lords

Ivory bill moves forward without changes following House of Lords debate

11 September 2018

Amendments to the government’s ivory bill, which proposes a near-total ban on the trade in ivory, have not been included following a House of Lords debate.


House of Lords proposes amendments to ivory bill ahead of parliamentary debate

10 September 2018

A group of members of the House of Lords have requested changes to the wording of the ivory bill ahead of a debate in the upper house, due to begin this afternoon.