


Latest news from Antiques Trade Gazette, the leading specialist publication for the art and antiques market

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Keeping your powder dry – a matter of life and death

08 August 2014

In the days when muzzle-loaders were the only choice for shooters, the one essential accessory was a flask for the powder. Many a battle or huntsman’s quarry has been lost through poorly kept powder.

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Far Eastern market grows for Chinese Export silver

08 August 2014

It’s only recently in the decade-long boom in Chinese works of art that Far Eastern buyers have come to appreciate once again the merits of Export silver. Once a neglected area, academic interest has been piqued in the subject as the marketplace moves in leaps and bounds.

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Fashion dolls flaunt the 1867 look

08 August 2014

There may have been no internet or TV in the third quarter of the 19th century, but it was possible to find out what the fashionistas of 1867 were wearing at the time.

Kids in the gallery: yes or no?

04 August 2014

COMMENT - Are children just an irritating distraction to the serious business of appreciating art in a museum or gallery? Is it time to turn back the tide and put adult appreciation front and centre? As the father of two, Antiques Trade Gazette Editor Ivan Macquisten speaks from experience.

Warning over VAT refunds on premium

30 July 2014

Auction houses who refund VAT on the buyer’s premium to overseas purchasers without ensuring that the correct paperwork is in place could find themselves liable for the tax themselves.

Cave coins find could shed new light on Iron Age culture in Britain

28 July 2014

Coins from the Late Iron Age and Republican Roman eras have been found buried together for the first time.

Appeal for auctioneers to attend Fakes and Forgeries seminar

28 July 2014

The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office want to help more UK provincial auctioneers spot fakes by inviting them to their Fakes and Forgeries seminars at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London.