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The suggestion was borne out by Charles Wallrock of Wick Antiques who sold a tile ticketed at £500, to a buyer under 30.

Koopman Rare Art, which made several sales in the six-figure range also sold a pair of Paul Storr salts for £3950. Director Lewis Smith said: “Not only did we sell some important pieces with expensive ticket labels, we also sold a number of smaller items which is always extremely encouraging as it indicates a genuine interest and appreciation in antique silver across the board.”

Meanwhile, Guy Stair Sainty sold the lowest-priced work on his stand, Eduard Veith’s Portrait of a Young Woman, early in the fair. The 19th century oil on panel, which was ticketed for a price in the region of £12,000, remained popular throughout the fair.

If it had not gone so early, “I could have sold it many times over,” Stair Sainty said.