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Seen top right is the ex-Bute copy of the very rare 1757, first edition of Pietro Santo Bartoli's Recueil de Peintures Antiques... One of just 30 copies printed for private distribution by the work's patron, the Comte de Caylus, it is one in which the engraved plates after Bartoli's watercolours of antique paintings discovered in Rome in the second part of the 18th century are themselves all beautifully finished in watercolours. This copy was armorially bound for John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute in red morocco gilt in the atelier of Antoine-Michel Padeloup. It sold at £28,000 to a collector.

Seen bottom right are a 1763 Graduale and Psalterium (1763 Lyons and 1776 Paris editions, respectively) in uniform red morocco gilt dentelle bindings commissioned by Lord Arundell from a Parisian atelier for the inauguration in November 1776 of a new family chapel at Wardour Castle in Wiltshire - the first Catholic place of worship to be built in England following the Reformation. The bindery used by Lord Arundell is unknown but the workmanship is certainly the equal of that produced by Derome and this lot sold at £28,000 (Quaritch).