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Auction Locum, run by former Rippon Boswell auctioneer Nic Townsend and former Lacy Scott auction manager David Palmer, bills itself as a “Unique Auctioneer Backup Service” and offers an on-site professional auctioneer, when and where they are needed.

Their aim is to resolve the problems faced by auction houses caused by last-minute emergencies or staff absenteeism and thus enabling them to operate more flexibly. They are also providing services for one-off sales, charity events and other irregular auction programmes.

Nic Townsend believes a ready market exists for Auction Locum. “Obviously for smaller auction houses, it is more difficult if someone is away for illness or holiday, especially if they are holding regular sales. There also seem to be a lot of new auction houses starting up, with only a few staff, who might find themselves so busy that they need a bit of extra help.”

Already one of their first assignments occurred at very short notice when, one hour before a sale, they received a call after a regular auctioneer failed to appear on the morning of a company’s major summer auction. “At 9am an auctioneer in Cambridge rang up. We had only an hour to get everything ready,” said Nic Townsend.

Auction Locum have said that their charges will be determined on a case-by-case basis. For more information contact 020 7792 5018.
