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While, after more than half a century, Harrogate's oldest event, The Northern Antiques Fair, relocates to Harewood House, the most recent of the town's notable fairs has no intention of leaving the centre.

This weekend - from September 17 to 19 - local firm Galloway Antiques Fairs are holding their seventh annual fair at the The Old Swan Hotel, Swan Road, just a short stroll from the numerous shops of the Montpellier district.

There is a strong local element among the 35 or so dealers exhibiting, with John Daffern Antiques of Harrogate bringing period oak furniture, Oldfield Antiques of West Yorkshire showing English silver and Mark and David Buckley, also of West Yorkshire, taking Edwardian furniture.

Newcomers this year are Jane Kirsopp-Reed from Newcastle upon Tyne, who also specialises in Edwardian furniture, and Kingsley & Co. Sofas of County Durham.

Admission is £3.50.