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Mrs Penman found a well-appointed barn in an idyllic setting near Bicester, Oxfordshire, and immediately thought it would be the dream setting for a select fair. The only catch was that the barn was in the grounds of a private manor house and there was no licence for public admission. So any activities there could not be advertised and entrance was strictly by invitation only.

Caroline attracted 30 exhibitors and using all her guile, she managed to send out 55,000 invitations. But it seems that this was not enough because attendance was thin. Apparently, the quality of visitor was good and they seemed to have serious money – but they were not spending it, or at least not enough of it.

However, the majority of exhibitors covered costs and some made a little. But most felt what we all suspected, that you cannot have a serious fair with no serious pre-publicity and advertising.

This may yet prove possible, and Caroline has not ruled out the possibility of another fair at the venue in either mid-May or late summer of next year.