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It highlighted the declining interest in many traditional antiques and how many dealers are finding the going very tough, if not impossible.

Perhaps not the best publicity for antique dealers, but most, I am sure, took it as a valid observation of difficulties which are all too obvious.

However, I have had a number of welcome calls from dealers who wish to point out that their experience is far from that described in The Guardian.

Among these are Penny and Simon Rumble from Cambridgeshire, who, from June 17 to 20, inaugurated their newly converted barn showroom at Causeway End, Chittering with a selling exhibition.

Penny tells me that sales at their show belied any bleak media reports and they could not stop selling their country furniture and woodcarvings.

Guest dealers Erna Hiscock and John Shepherd enjoyed equal success selling 12 samplers and much English pottery.

Trade buying was the order of opening day with private buyers from all over the country driving business thereafter.