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Art historian Kitty Walsh has been trading in historic and vintage pieces for over a year as Modern Folk and now opens a gallery of the same name with entrepreneur Scott Hadley. Their new gallery on Tower Bridge Road offers stock from 19th century furniture to contemporary Russian matryoshka dolls.

“Folk art has been a passion of mine for all of my life, and I am really excited to share these pieces with the public,” says Walsh. “These pieces are the ultimate antidote to today’s disposable culture – and they look great in contemporary homes.”

The gallery plans to present a new collection, sympathetic to current interior decorating trends, each season.

Walsh, who has an interest in colonial and export furniture and scientific ephemera, has a particular interest in pieces that offer an unusual take on traditional styles.

“I love that each item is authentic and unique, that you can always see the hand of the craftsman or woman. For me, these works are a link to our shared past,” Walsh added.

The new gallery space can be found at 98 Tower Bridge Road.