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“Most people will probably think we’re mad.”

Charles Wallrock on his new venture, opening a joint space with fellow-dealer David Brooker on Lower Sloan Street.

"Having BADA and LAPADA muse be confusing to the outside world. I'm a member of both and they now offer the same things: an exclusive fair, codes of practice, helplines for legal and financial advice and a conciliation service."

Claudia Hill speaks at ATG's round table on dealer issues. 

“We will feel fortunate indeed if we get to the end of the year with the same expression of enthusiasm we have had in our January and April sales. There is a feeling things are going to tighten up.”

Richard Kay, head of pictures at Lawrences of Crewkerne, reflects on the market.

“The market really took off only four years ago.”

Michael Jeffrey of Woolley & Wallis on the demand for British studio ceramics.

“This collection is typically extraordinary; typical for an extraordinary man who accepted no boundaries in business, politics, art and friendship.”

Sotheby’s UK chairman Harry Dalmeny on the late Lord Ballyedmond’s collection.

“Any fight-worn gloves by the great man are highly desirable and there have been spectacular prices at auction for similar items.”

Graham Budd on a pair of Muhammad Ali’s gloves which are estimated at £40,000-60,000 in the auctioneers’ May sale.
