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“For a long time it has been hidden in a dark store thought to be a copy. This discovery shows that even the major auction houses can make mistakes."

Archie Parker, founder of The Parker Gallery, on showing a re-discovered George Stubbs at the BADA Fair.


“The inclusion of the Crosby Garrett helmet alongside other unique objects from so many different museums across Europe really emphasises that the Hadrian’s Cavalry exhibition is a once in a lifetime experience.”

Bill Griffiths, head of programmes for Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and chair of the Hadrian’s Cavalry steering group on the display of the Crosby Garrett helmet that was found in a Cumbrian field in 2010.

Books were ordered to “be burnt in the hall Kytchen [of the Stationers' Company]” in October 1600.

The history of rare copies of two Elizabethan satires that were previously condemned and are now among the books offered by Bonhams at the Glyn Cywarch sale on March 29.

“Now that the Chancellor has shown how willing he is to listen to reasoned argument, would he please revisit the even more crucial policy of business rates.”

Rebecca Davies, chief executive of LAPADA, on chancellor Philip Hammond’s u-turn on a planned rise in National Insurance contributions for the self-employed.