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“Sometimes we buy all this stuff and think ‘crikey, how are we going to make all this hang together?’ But I think subconsciously we’re buying for a reason.”

Dealers Peter and Leonora Petrou on their eclectic buying technique.


“We have found the odd Victorian coin, but mostly it has just been junk so I couldn’t believe it when I picked out this mud-covered item and on cleaning it off, I thought, this might actually be gold.”

Joe Kania who with fellow metal detectorist Mark Hambleton, found a collection of Iron Age gold torcs on farmland in Staffordshire.

“This is an excellent example of how owners, the art trade and museums can work together successfully to restore works of art that have been lost through historical circumstances.”

Hermann Parzinger, president of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), on the donation of a bronze to the Antikensammlung with the help of the British Museum and London dealer Forge and Lynch.

“I told Sadiq that London is a global centre of excellence for the art and antiques trade but that the government’s plans for tax and rates will have a significantly detrimental effect on these businesses.”

BADA chief executive Marco Forgione who lobbied Mayor of London Sadiq Khan on imminent hikes to business rates.
