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“We want to get as close as possible to a total ban. We start from the position that the current legal trade helps facilitate the illegal trade in ivory.”

Michael Gove as the government begins the ivory trade consultation.

“While there’s an increasingly intense focus on the very highest levels, where we operate as advisers and valuers, we’ve also observed huge opportunities at lower levels, particularly since the closure of Christie’s South Kensington.”

Harry Smith, chairman of art consultancy and valuation firm Gurr Johns, which has bought auction firms Dreweatts and Bloomsbury for £1.25m.

“This change reflects the current market and is an important part of maintaining our global competitiveness.”

Bonhams global CEO Matthew Girling on last week’s change in buyer’s premium.

“We have raided the stately homes of Britain to find 40 of the portrait painter’s best works.”

Philip Mould on his ongoing exhibition Power & Beauty: The Art of Sir Oswald Birley.
