Polling station
The UK General Election takes place today

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The result of the election has real implications for the future of the UK’s antiques trade as it will determine the course of Brexit, business rates, employment rights and ivory. Reactions on social media today were a mix of encouragement and exasperation.

For many, the message was simple: vote.

Dealer R. Ingram Coins kicked things off last night tweeting “Two things to do tomorrow 1) VOTE 2) GO LOOK AT OUR COINS”.

Others continued urging followers to capitalise on their democratic right this morning.

“Don’t forget to Vote today,” said Ishy Antiques.

Hemswell Antiques tweeted: “#Generalelection2017 #generalelection Don’t forget to vote today!”

No one should forget, dealer Michael Baggott Pointed out, tweeting “If you need a ‘celeb’ on Twitter telling you to ‘go & vote’ to go & vote then it’s probably better for everyone concerned that you don’t”.

Bendor Grosvenor took a similar view. He said “Addition to the UK constitution: on polling day, people shall urge each other to vote via Twitter; sarcastic people shall take the piss.”

Meanwhile, some suggested buying antiques as a way to let go of Election worries.

Joe Trinder of Dawson’s Auctioneers posted: “Fed up of #generalelection17? You need some good ol’ antiques to take your mind off things … Snippets of lots coming up in our next sale.” 

Jonathan Braganza of York Minster Antiques tweeted along the same lines: “Election blues? Antiques, fine arts and decorative items have no politics just bring joy! Indulge! York racecourse 10th/11th June”.

Some waxed philosophical. Helmsley’s Antiques & Interiors said: “’Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.’ Dalai Lama. Vote with compassion and selflessness”.

Finally, Scottish Antiques took the opportunity to suggest its stock of Georgian and Regency coloured wine glasses as the ideal tools for an election night drinking game, providing an irreverent set of rules to get voters through the evening. 
