
An example of an inert WW1 grenade. Image:

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Vintage Cash Cow on Leylands Road in Leeds offers valuations of items sent in by post from customers. However when the grenade was received it was unclear if it was safe. The police were called on the morning of October 18. West Yorkshire Police evacuated the area and cordoned off the street following the report of the suspicious package.

An Army bomb disposal team attended the scene and examined the grenade which was found ito be inert and the area was reopened by the afternoon.

Evacuations of dealers and auction house premises due to questionable grenades and bombs has happened a number of times over the years.

Thomas Roddick Auctioneers was evacuated in 2017 when a suspected unexploded bomb was found among items from a house clearance.

A First World War grenade was discovered at Wellers Auctioneers in Chertsey in 2013.