
Maps Perhaps offers this wold map from John Speed’s A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World published by Bassett and Chiswell in 1676. One of the earliest world maps printed in the English language, the map in question was first published in 1627. This is the fourth state. It includes California as an island and English settlements in Plymouth in the New World. It is priced at £9750.

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This is the 15th edition of the event at the RGS, but it launched in 1980. It has a global reach and this year hosts exhibitors from the US, Australia and Europe as well as the UK. A huge range of original antique maps, including those pictured here, are on offer, produced from the 15th to the 20th century and offered for prices from £10 well into the six figures.

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This large white on black map of London, 1833, from The Guide to Knowledge by W Pinnock is offered by Simon Hunter Antique Maps for £85.

Among the exhibitors this year are Clive A Burden, Garwood & Voigt, Geographicus Rare Antique Maps and Robert Frew. The fair is organized by Tim Bryars of Bryars and Bryars and Massimo de Martini of Altea Maps – both are exhibiting also.

Every year the event features a lecture, and this year it is presented by RGS’s cartographic collections manager, Katherine Parker: Blaeu Hondius and Ricci: the wall maps of the Royal Geographical Society. In addition, author and map expert Ashley Baynton-Williams will present several talks on map collecting for beginners during the event.

Admission is free.
