No details of publisher or date are present on this story sheet of Mother Goose or the Golden Egg, but Lawrences dated it to c.1770. Just over a foot long and originally priced at one penny, it sold at £1250 on February 3.

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Sold for £4200, the latter, which included one slide showing ‘Major Norton and George Mallory at 27,000ft’, were produced by the official photographer, Captain JBL Finch. (For more details see Bid to £3100 was an 1805, third edition of Thomas Bewick’s two-volume History of British Birds, bound in crimson straight-grained morocco by a local binder, Lubbock of Newcastle.

On the title page is an inscription that reads “The Gift of Bewick to his daughter Isabella… 1814”, and pasted on to an endpaper is a note in Jane Bewick’s hand regarding the dispatch of her sister’s “long cherished” copy to an un-named correspondent.