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Readers are reminded to check with the auction house directly (and refer to any local restrictions on travelling) before undertaking a journey.

Readers should bear in mind that regulations and guidelines differ across each of the devolved nations of the UK and are also different in the Republic of Ireland. They are also subject to change at short notice.

Many auction houses now require you to book an appointment before you visit. In all cases you should check with the auction house directly to understand the conditions under which the auction is taking place, including viewings, storage arrangements or delivery and collection options that are currently available.

Our online calendar is updated throughout the week, check it regularly to ensure you have the latest information.

Information accurate at the time of going to press: (2pm Friday June 10).

Auctioneers are requested to contact us with details of their sales and inform us of any changes. Contact us at: calendar@antiquestradegazette.com