
Members of the Scottish trade who competed for the Nicholson Quaitch.

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In a fiercely contested match the eventual winner was John Dixon of Georgian Antiques in Leith who now has the responsibility of organising next year’s match.

The participants were Hamish Wilson, Bonhams; Guy Peploe, The Scottish Gallery; John and Padraic Dixon, Georgian Antiques; Gavin Lindsay (valuations); Paul Roberts, Lyon & Turnbull; Gordon Foster, Silver Antiques at Doune; and Grant Mackin, Thomson Roddick Callan.

The Fine Art Golfing Society (FAGS) will play against the Scottish Art Dealers (SAD) during their autumn tour on Tuesday, October 1, at Dunbar GC in East Lothian, playing for the RoBerti Trophy.

Please contact Simon Berti or John Dixon on or if you are interested in playing in this match.