
The centrepiece of the new Sharkade area of Alfies.

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The marine predator - thankfully not a live version - overlooks a new ground floor wing of Alfies in Marylebone dubbed appropriately Sharkade, with street level access from Church Street.

This comprises eight glass-fronted lock-up shops ranging in size from 130 sq ft to 210 sq ft where prices start from £800 including all rates, security and marketing.

Alfies says: “While we have already had a lot of interest from existing dealers at Alfies, we hope the new Sharkade will encourage fresh new faces of dealers, designers, collectors, artisans and craftsmen and women looking for a new community space to call home.”

When the centre opened in 1976, Alfies occupied just one floor of the sprawling cluster of Victorian and Art Deco buildings in Church Street. It now uses all four floors and two large extensions including nearly 100 dealers, restoration workshops, a spectacular rooftop café - and the new tarot card reading booth.

The firm says: “In an effort to grow Alfies as a one-stop destination for more than just antique hunting, we have brought in three tarot card readers of varying styles and specialisms who will be based on the top floor of Alfies alongside our workshop wing. Michèlè, Jess and Mapi can be found on Thurs, Friday and Saturday on rotation with walk-in appointments available.”