The late Anthony Foster.

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After retiring at 50, as head of graphics at the BBC, he, with my mother Elinor (1933-2009), starting dealing in treen and vernacular furniture, creating a trailblazing, new, light and modern style of display, on white shelves, making the objects the star of the show.

They were both passionate about the colour and patination of early wooden objects.

With a loyal band of collectors and dealers of the best early pieces indebted to their knowledge and enthusiasm, they created many longstanding friendships over the years in the trade.

Initially exhibiting at the Chelsea antiques fairs twice a year, their reputation quickly grew, making them the leading dealers of treen in the UK.

As BADA members, they exhibited at the Olympia fairs for 20 years, also becoming regulars at the Grosvenor House fair in Park Lane. Tony became the head of vetting for treen at all the major London fairs and his reputation for total honesty and fairness was legendary.

I worked with them from the age of 16 at all these fairs and they instilled in me the same passion for the subject, leading me to continue the business after their retirement from the trade some 20 years ago.

Dad was still absolutely sharp as a pin right up until the last few weeks, never losing his famous sense of humour. He remained desperately keen to know what I was buying, and enjoyed handling the new pieces, even though his eyesight was very poor in the later years.

My brother Mark and myself both owe our parents a great deal for the love and encouragement lavished on us throughout our lives.

We and our extended families will miss them both immensely.