
Ben Haynes and David Hughes.

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The group met at Princes GC in Sandwich, Kent, where 24 players battled the elements in their season opener.

The society will play events at The Berkshire, Hankley Common, Swinley Forest, St Georges Hill, West Surrey, Worplesdon and Woking throughout the year in addition to their tour match against Scottish Art Dealers at Dunbar in October.

Golfing ATG readers wishing to play with fellow professionals are welcome to contact Simon Berti via the website (details below).

FAGS originated as the BADA Golfing Society and is preparing to celebrate its centenary in 2026. The society would like to hear from former members who may have lost touch with the group so that they can be included in the centenary celebrations.

Berti would also be grateful to hear any anecdotes from FAGS events, however distant, to be recorded for the society’s records.

Please make contact via the website.