

Endangered species: ivory

Hong Kong

Hong Kong ivory ban bill makes exceptions for antique objects

10 July 2017

Hong Kong’s bill to ban the domestic ivory trade does allow for the trade in antiques containing ivory, it has emerged.


Anti-ivory trade campaign group Action for Elephants descends on Olympia fair

03 July 2017

An action group that campaigns for the protection of elephants staged a protest against the trade in antique ivory outside Art & Antiques Fair Olympia, on Saturday afternoon (July 1).

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Victoria Borwick's SOFAA speech: what dealers need from auctioneers

03 July 2017

BADA president and former MP for Kensington, Victoria Borwick, addressed SOFAA's biannual gathering of auctioneers on June 30. She tackled auctioneer-dealer relations, the ivory question, parliament's understanding of the antiques trade and the cultural property bill.


As Olympia fair faces anti-ivory protest, fair organisers stress abhorrence of modern poaching

26 June 2017

The organisers of the Olympia fair, which starts today (Monday 26 June), have reiterated their support for efforts to stop the illegal trade in poached ivory as the event faces a protest by elephant campaigners on Saturday, 1 July.


Anti-ivory trade campaign group Action for Elephants plans protest at Olympia fair

24 June 2017

An action group that campaigns against modern ivory poaching is to stage a protest against the trade in antique ivory at the Art and Antiques Fair, Olympia, on 1 July.

Michael Gove

Gove 'may consider a pledge for total ivory ban'

13 June 2017

Michael Gove MP has said he would reconsider introducing a pledge for a total ivory ban.


No mention of ivory in Tory manifesto

22 May 2017

The Conservative Party has omitted any mention of ivory in its 2017 manifesto published last week, giving hope an uncompromising ban on the trade will not be introduced.

Labour manifesto

Labour manifesto promises a total ban on trade in ivory

16 May 2017

The Labour Party Manifesto 2017 has called for a total ban on the trade of ivory.


Tory party expected to water down plans for total ivory ban

15 May 2017

The Conservative Party is expected to rethink its previous pledge for a ‘total ban’ on ivory sales in its election manifesto, due for publication this week.


Judge says seized silver and ivory tea set won’t be returned

10 April 2017

A judge has ruled against a London gallery over the seizure by UK Border Force of a Chinese silver tea set containing a tiny quantity of elephant ivory.

Lawmakers: leave certification of solid ivory objects to the specialists

05 April 2017

MADAM – I write for the purposes of maintaining the trade in general, and in advance of knowing the provisions in the forthcoming law regulating the UK ivory trade (which can only act to the detriment of the trade and do nothing to save the elephant). The law could consider the separation of items solely made of ivory from those that contain ivory as a constituent part.

tea set

Mayfair Gallery loses fight for return of seized Qing dynasty silver tea set with ivory

04 April 2017

A judge in London has ruled against a London gallery over the seizure of a Chinese silver tea set dating from the Qing dynasty containing a tiny amount of ivory.


Chinese authorities begin ivory trade shut down

31 March 2017

China is shutting a third of its ivory factories and shops, as it begins to meet the requirements of a formal ban by the end of the year.

Ivory report

25 March 2017

An academic report based on a small sample of dealers and auctioneers has called for “significant structural changes” to the laws governing the sale of ivory.

ivory report front cover

Questions raised over methodology of report that calls for changes to ivory regulation

14 March 2017

A report out today (March 14) calls for "significant structural changes" to the laws governing the sale of ivory in the UK but trade bodies have queried its methodology, citing low response rates.

Ivory thermometer

Resolution for antiques dealer after ‘draconian’ ivory seizure

06 March 2017

A police ordeal for a Derbyshire antiques dealer following a “draconian” swoop over a Victorian ivory thermometer has finally been resolved.

David Starkey

Historians defend antiques trade ahead of government consultation on UK ivory market

15 February 2017

A group of historians, museums and TV presenters including Alan Titchmarsh and David Starkey have condemned the slaughter of elephants but have argued the case for the defence of the antiques trade.

Carved ivory

The ivory trade debate reaches Radio 4 consumer show

13 February 2017

The debate over the trade in antiques containing ivory reached Radio 4 last week. BBC Radio 4's daily consumer programme 'You & Yours' featured a slot on the topic with both wildlife charities and the antiques trade represented.

Parliament House of Commons

IVORY DEBATE: ministers not convinced that extending ban to pre-1947 antiques would save elephants

07 February 2017

The government remains open-minded on proposals to extend its planned ban on trade in post-1947 ivory to antiques with ivory dating before this time, despite pressure from some MPs to do so.

Rebecca Pow Taunton Deane MP

IVORY DEBATE: Antiques trade defended in parliamentary debate on UK domestic ivory market

07 February 2017

A handful of MPs stood up for the antiques trade in a debate on the UK domestic ivory market in parliament yesterday, calling for antiques to be exempt from any ivory ban.