Letters to the Editor


ATG letter: Maybe it’s a Lionel after all

13 July 2020

MADAM – Might I ask whether one of your readers is able to assist with a little piece of identification?

ATG letter: Legends of the late Laurie Langford

06 July 2020

MADAM – It was with great sadness that I heard of the passing of Laurie Langford, the renowned maritime antique dealer (Obituary, ATG No 2448).


ATG letter: Portobello landlord - grants are to help dealers pay their rent

29 June 2020

MADAM – Following on from ATG news articles (issues 2447 and 2448), it seems clear to me there is a group of Portobello Road traders who simply do not want to pay their rent during lockdown despite being in receipt of government grants.

ATG letter: It's unfair I don’t qualify for Covid grant as my premises are too large

29 June 2020

MADAM – I run a small conservation and restoration workshop in Kent and like many businesses in the UK, my activity has been greatly affected by the coronavirus emergency.

ATG letter: We have to live in hope

22 June 2020

MADAM – With the list of auctions increasing in every issue, it gives me hope that normality is on the way and soon we should be acting as normal albeit online for a while instead of bidding in person at these auctions.

Note on Letters from ATG

22 June 2020

We enjoy reading letters sent to us by our readers both via email and more traditional methods.


ATG letter: Churchill picture – could be by a man of Kent

22 June 2020

MADAM – Re: the crayon drawing of Churchill.


ATG letter: NZ post-lockdown: good news for traders

15 June 2020

MADAM – Re: the article on the front page of ATG No 2446 regarding art and antiques premises reopening.


ATG letter: I love this portrait, but who is Ernest?

15 June 2020

MADAM – I would be very grateful if any of your readers could shed light on the artist of the attached crayon drawing of Churchill.

ATG letter: Feedback on virtual fair

15 June 2020

MADAM – The Virtual Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair ended last Sunday (May 31) and we are now busy trying to gauge the short-term results. The main reason for putting it on was always to give all the exhibitors, who missed out on the real fair, a platform in May, and I am really touched by the many lovely messages sent to thank me and the team for our efforts.

ATG letter: Don’t forget indoor fairs are returning

08 June 2020

MADAM – I was interested to see the details of ‘grand reopenings’ on front and p4 of ATG No 2445.


What am I bid for Buster?

08 June 2020

As lockdown kicked in, Edward Whitton of Whittons auction house in Honiton conducted online-only auctions outside in the fresh air (the first was held on April 2). Internet buyers reported hearing birdsong as they placed bids.

ATG letter: No room at the inn yet for our events

08 June 2020

MADAM – If any of your readers who run events have any news I would be grateful for any updates.


ATG letter: Supplement demonstrates book trade coping in crisis

01 June 2020

MADAM – Congratulations on the Books, Maps & Prints 2020 supplement in last week’s ATG.

ATG letter: Delivery and storage are a benefit of lockdown sales

01 June 2020

MADAM – I find it interesting to see that some auction rooms, who before Covid-19 were very unhelpful regarding postage and packaging, are now bending over backwards to provide either this service or free storage.


ATG letter: Searching for Seymour

11 May 2020

MADAM – I hope you are all keeping well in these challenging times. The reason for my writing is I am wondering whether ATG readers can assist me in searching for works by the 18th century racing artist James Seymour (c.1700-52).


ATG letter: Please broaden my horizon

11 May 2020

MADAM – I wonder if the collective, wonderful wisdom of the ATG community might be able to shed any light on this watercolour below, or the artist whose name seems to be ‘Jacopo’ or some variant – the vowels are not entirely clear. I suspect it is not the 15th century one!


ATG letter: Kind fairies fly in to bring a portrait puzzle

04 May 2020

MADAM – Because I am so old my hen-pecking children have had me in lockdown since the beginning of March.


ATG letter: Book trade good news… and a cross-dressing mystery to solve

04 May 2020

MADAM – I have recently polled our PBFA members to assess the state of the antiquarian book trade and asked in particular about any positive outcomes of the lockdown.

ATG letter: Thanks for keeping us up to date

27 April 2020

MADAM – I would like to express my appreciation to the editorial and other colleagues that have provided us with a copy of the ATG every week during this extraordinary time.

