Books & Periodicals

Material in this specialist market ranges from the early printed works of the Gutenberg Press and William Caxton right through to Modern First Editions and now up to signed copies of Harry Potter. Condition and rarity are the keys to this sector.


Early printed copies of Shakespeare’s plays impress as part of a celebrated collection

03 February 2020

‘Masterpieces’ from the celebrated collections of Dr Martin Schøyen offered at a recent Christie’s (25/20/13.5% buyer’s premium) sale in London included some real rarities.

British and Irish book auctions: February 4-20, 2020

03 February 2020

Our regular listing of British and Irish book auctions.


Rare copy of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s first book sells at Bonhams

27 January 2020

Published anonymously in Boston in 1828, a copy of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s youthful first book, 'Fanshawe', sold for $38,000 (£28,790) at Bonhams New York (27.5/25/20/13.9%).


A 17th century baffle of the sexes

27 January 2020

Bible suggests confusion over ‘he’ or ‘she’ may not be purely a modern-day phenomenon.


Virgil’s work becomes a Scottish literature classic

27 January 2020

Fifty or so lots from the library of the Earls of Haddington that were offered as part of London sale included their fair share of exceptional lots.


‘Frost Fair’ broadsides: souvenir of a frozen Thames

27 January 2020

Two ‘Frost Fair’ broadsides printed at one of the many stalls set up on the Thames during a hard 18th century winter in which London’s river froze over were sold in a recent sale held by Dominic Winter (20% buyer’s premium).


5 Questions: Tom Lintern-Mole

27 January 2020

Book dealer Tom Lintern-Mole runs Antiquates in Corfe Castle, Dorset.

British and Irish book auctions: January 28-February 13, 2020

27 January 2020

Our regular listing of British and Irish book auctions.


UK buyer sought for £2.5m collection of botanical drawings blocked from export

21 January 2020

The UK government is seeking a buyer to pay £2.5m for a group of 18th century botanical drawings.


Guilty pleas heard in Pittsburgh library theft

20 January 2020

Two men have pleaded guilty in connection with the theft of rare books and manuscripts from the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


The real Carroll looking glass

20 January 2020

The fact that Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) regularly made use of a magnifying glass is noted by biographers and underlined by references found in his letters.

British and Irish book auctions: January 21-February 8, 2020

20 January 2020

Our regular listing of British and Irish book auctions.


Lewd awakenings in salerooms

20 January 2020

Pocket guide to pleasure stimulates in Staffs and saucy memoir excites bidders in Yorks.


Poe-faced search for inspiration

20 January 2020

This watercolour drawing by Charles Addams was one of the more successful lots in a December 10 Illustration Art sale held by Swann Galleries (25/20/10% buyer’s premium) in New York.


York book fair attracts record crowd

20 January 2020

‘Long and intensive build-up’ on Facebook brings in younger buyers to one-day event, writes Jeremy Carson.


Bible that sets out its time, place, date – and printer

20 January 2020

Among the very earliest printed works sold at auction at the end of last year was a beautifully illuminated Biblia Latina printed in August 1462, just seven years after the great Gutenberg Bible.


The Man on the Moon lives in a pumpkin

20 January 2020

Among the more inspired catalogue cover illustrations featured in the end-of-year book auctions was one produced by Bonhams (27.5/25/20/13.9%) for a December 4 sale.


Petersfield bookseller boosted by social media response after slump

17 January 2020

Sales soared at an antiquarian bookshop in Petersfield this week after the owner took to social media on a rainy, "miserable" day.

The Myrowr of Recluses .jpg

Medieval guide for female hermits blocked from export in hope of finding UK buyer

16 January 2020

The UK government’s arts minister Helen Whately has placed an export bar on a 15th century Middle English manuscript in the hope of finding a buyer to keep it in the UK.

Carnegie Library rare books theft: men plead guilty in US county court

14 January 2020

Two men pleaded guilty in connection with the theft of rare books and manuscripts from the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

