Industry data

Data used for analysing the art and antiques market includes surveys, prices indices, government figures and market reports.

These range from sector-specific studies such as the Antique Furniture Price Index to more general reports such as the annual TEFAF Report and the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report compiled by economist Clare McAndrew.


Surge in demand for art-secured loans as access to finance for art and antiques dealers remains poor

04 May 2018

Nearly 90% of art and antiques dealers want easier ways to borrow money to fund purchases and nearly a third believe the lack of available lending hampers growth, according to a recent report.

Online market expects competitive year with growth at 12%

23 April 2018

The online art market’s growth is slowing but the use of mobile phones to buy art continues to increase.


Online art market up 12% to $4.2bn but growth slowing according to latest Hiscox Report

17 April 2018

The growth of the global online art market slowed in 2017 as price transparency remains a key issue for new buyers.

UK exports

UK art exports to China soar despite overall slide in international customs figures

11 April 2018

Art and antiques exports from the UK continued to fall in 2017, recording a decline of 2.2% to £4.84bn, according to UK trade figures from HMRC. At the same time, there were areas of significant growth, including exports to China which rose by 350% to £115.9m in 2017.


The latest market forces reflected in Art Basel’s 'The Art Market 2018 Report'

26 March 2018

The global report delivers the bigger picture for auctions and dealers but there are findings relevant to the mid- and lower-markets too.


Online sales hit ‘new high’ as market grows

19 March 2018

Online channels are an increasing source of new buyers for both auction houses and dealers, despite the art and antiques sector being behind the wider economy when it comes to use of ecommerce, a new global report says.

Art Basel

China overtakes the UK as high-end sales dominate the global art market

14 March 2018

The global art market grew by 12% in 2017 with the expansion driven by high-end sales as China overtook the UK as the second largest market, according to Dr Clare McAndrew’s latest report.

Sotheby’s hails ‘improving art market’ in latest results

05 March 2018

Private sales and Asian buyers helped Sotheby’s report a 12% jump in sales last year to $5.5bn (£4bn).


Sotheby’s posts strong full year results as sales hit $5.5bn

01 March 2018

Sotheby’s reported a 12% jump in sales last year to $5.5bn (£4bn). The US-listed auction house said profit, or adjusted net income, improved by 22% from $99.6m to $121.7m in 2017, boosted by an increase in commission and fees.

UK regional salerooms take 26% of auction sales

26 February 2018

Regional auction houses accounted for over a quarter of the UK auction market in 2017.


Latest figures reveal how salerooms outside the ‘big four’ are increasingly reaping middle-market rewards

26 February 2018

The contribution of Britain’s ‘regional’ salerooms – defined here as those outside the big London four of Sotheby’s, Christie’s, Bonhams and Phillips – is frequently overlooked when figures demonstrating the size of the UK auction market for art and antiques are created.


TEFAF Art Symposium focuses on 'Collecting in the 21st century'

26 February 2018

The TEFAF Art Symposium 2018 will focus on collecting in the 21st century.


UK Auction Report part 1: Regional values stay firm

19 February 2018

In the first of a two-part report spotlighting UK auction house performance and trends in 2017, ATG reviews the hammer totals and top lots at some of the regions’ leading salerooms.


Museum acquisitions under threat from lack of funding report warns

16 February 2018

Museums in the UK have been selling off their collections and have been unable to buy new works of art due to funding issues, a “deeply depressing” report has revealed.


Trophy artworks including Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi propel Christie’s sales to £5.1bn

02 February 2018

Christie’s sold seven out of the top 10 highest-value auction lots around the world last year – boosted by Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi.

TEFAF report to be replaced by focused studies

22 January 2018

The annual TEFAF art market report has been scrapped in favour of a number of smaller, focused reports.


TEFAF scraps art market report for smaller focused surveys

19 January 2018

The annual TEFAF art market report has been scrapped in favour of a number of smaller, focused reports, leaving Clare McAndrew’s Art Basel report as the sole market-wide survey.


Art exports from the UK boost trade figures

11 January 2018

Exports of paintings and sculpture from the UK helped the country to reduce its trade deficit at the end of last year.

Antiques shop

Demand for second-hand goods at antique shops and auction houses boost UK retail sales figures

25 November 2017

The latest statistics show art and antiques are playing a part in sales growth around the country.

Art market’s lack of transparency major concern for investors, says Deloitte report

14 November 2017

The perceived lack of regulation and transparency in the art market is a source of concern for investment advisers, according to the latest Art & Finance Report 2017.

