Industry data

Data used for analysing the art and antiques market includes surveys, prices indices, government figures and market reports.

These range from sector-specific studies such as the Antique Furniture Price Index to more general reports such as the annual TEFAF Report and the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report compiled by economist Clare McAndrew.

Goldsmiths’ Company library

Twin research resources launch online from The Goldsmiths' Company and Cotton regional furniture archive

10 January 2022

New online databases for extensive archive material of two core disciplines in the antiques trade have been launched.


Christie’s sales hit a five-year high but slip behind Sotheby’s for 2021

20 December 2021

Auction house Christie’s reported preliminary total sales of $7.1bn (£5.2bn) including fees for 2021.

Sandro Botticelli ‘Young Man Holding a Roundel’

Sotheby’s announces best ever year for sales with new bidders and online growth a big boost

15 December 2021

Auction house Sotheby’s has reported total sales (including associated fees) for the year to date at $7.3bn (£5.5bn).


Auctions give a boost to the latest retail sales figures

23 November 2021

Rising sales of second-hand goods are helping to boost the UK's economy.

Buying online

Online art sales hit $6.8bn for first half of 2021

12 October 2021

Online art sales reached $6.8bn (£5bn) in the first six months of the year, up 72% on the first half of 2020 according The Hiscox Online Art Trade Report.

Dr Clare McAndrew

Smaller dealers see sales dip despite overall improvement according to new report

15 September 2021

Dealers’ sales improved during the first part of the year according to a new report sponsored by Art Basel and UBS, though the results were less positive for smaller businesses.


Stanley Gibbons upbeat despite tough 2020

16 August 2021

Stamp and coins dealership Stanley Gibbons Group is pinning its recovery on a revamped shop and the relaunch of Baldwin’s auctions in the autumn.

Stanley Gibbons

Stanley Gibbons hit by pandemic but hopeful for improved trading in revamped shop

11 August 2021

Stamp and coins dealership Stanley Gibbons reported its full year results highlighting the impact the pandemic had on sales.


French sales bouncing back after Covid impact

26 July 2021

Sales figures or 'bilan' for the first half of this year have been released by some auction firms in France.


Christie’s says Asian buyers now dominant

19 July 2021

Asian buyers have become the dominant force at the top end of the auction market, according to Christie’s.

Online surge as art market fell by 22% says annual trade report

22 March 2021

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic caused the global art market to contract by nearly a quarter.

Clare McAndrew of Arts Economics

Covid-hit art market shrinks by 22% according to Art Basel report

16 March 2021

Global trade widely affected by pandemic but online sales double in value


Coins and medals ‘up 15-20%’ during £53m year for London’s salerooms

15 February 2021

Despite the near absence of face-to-face trading, 2020 was a record year for London’s coins and medals auction houses with combined total sales just shy of £53m.


Coins & medals: Virtual trade leads to 'renaissance' in lockdown

15 February 2021

In the absence of face-to-face contact, 2020 was a difficult year for the numismatics market as a whole... but the auction business found a way to thrive.


Sotheby’s outpaces Christie’s across ‘transformative’ year

04 January 2021

Sotheby’s edged ahead of Christie’s in terms of annual turnover in 2020, with private and online sales helping both firms offset declines in totals from live auctions.

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Auctions take a hit from Covid but private and online sales rise at Sotheby’s and Christie’s

20 December 2020

Despite the challenges of a tough 2020, private and online sales have boosted the major auction houses

Covid-19 has “turbo-charged the online art market” latest report reveals

03 December 2020

A report into art auctions has found online sales have been boosted by the coronavirus pandemic and predicts the growth in digital sales is permanent.

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Contemporary and Modern Art dealers switch to online to battle coronavirus impact

09 September 2020

During the coronavirus pandemic, art galleries focused attention on online growth to try to mitigate the impact of closures globally.


Online sales rise 4% as demand increases

13 July 2020

Online sales of art, antiques and collectables reached $4.82bn in 2019, a rise of 4% from the previous year, and digital demand is set to increase further in the years ahead.

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Market for illicit antiquities valued ‘in millions not billions’

15 June 2020

The antiquities trade has welcomed a new independent report that estimates the volume of looted objects on the market is much smaller than previous reports have suggested.

