Industry data

Data used for analysing the art and antiques market includes surveys, prices indices, government figures and market reports.

These range from sector-specific studies such as the Antique Furniture Price Index to more general reports such as the annual TEFAF Report and the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report compiled by economist Clare McAndrew.

Slow-paying clients create cash-flow problems in downturn

11 February 2010

A SURVEY of members by the British Antique Dealers Association has found that late payments as a result of the recession are causing a significant number of them cash-flow problems.

Christie’s upbeat despite overall fall in 2009 sales

01 February 2010

CHRISTIE’S have announced a 24 per cent year-on-year fall in sales for 2009 to £2.1bn.

Furniture index falls another 7%

25 January 2010

HOPES of a recovery in the value of antique furniture have been dealt a blow after the Antiques Collectors’ Club’s Annual Furniture Index (AFI) saw prices fall by seven per cent during 2009.

Auction sales drop an average of 20% in Paris

25 January 2010

IN a year dominated by Christie’s blockbuster 342m euros (£308m) sale of the Bergé/St-Laurent Collection, most Paris auctioneers reported a fall in sales averaging around 20 per cent. There were, however, signs of confidence returning to the market.

Furniture prices static while other markets fall

26 January 2009

Inertia again characterised the Antiques Collectors' Club's annual Antique Furniture Index (AFI) in 2008. But in a year when so many economic investments ended up performing poorly, a negligible fall of one per cent was far from devastating.

Imports and exports figures show last effects of art boom

22 December 2008

THE latest Goverment Import/Export figures indicated the final effects of the art market boom before the downturn seen in October.


New York sales down by half as confidence leaves the contemporary market

17 November 2008

THE latest series of contemporary art auctions in New York showed how much the market has fallen since its peak. With sale totals down well over 50 per cent from last year’s autumn series held at the height of the boom, the extent of the damage caused by the current economic distress and diminished confidence amongst buyers was manifest. The question now is will prices stabilise or fall further?

Sotheby’s batten down hatches after third-quarter losses

10 November 2008

GUARANTEES slashed, costs to follow. That’s the message from Sotheby’s as they announce third quarter losses of $46.2m. And consignors will have to be more realistic about the deals they can secure and their expectations at auction in future.

Gold spike in unstable market

22 September 2008

THE instability of stock markets led to sharp rises in the price of gold last week as investors took to buying precious metals as a safe haven from the financial turmoil seen across the globe.

Hirst sale facts

22 September 2008

Weak dollar hits exports – but not for fine art

05 September 2008

TOTAL exports outside the European Union of art and antiques from the UK remained static in 2007, while total imports rose by seven per cent. However, the details show a more dramatic picture in some sectors, indicating, perhaps above all, the effect of the weak dollar against the pound.


Sotheby’s figures show reliance on contemporary art

11 August 2008

SOTHEBY’S dependence on the contemporary art market could hardly be clearer than in their latest set of figures.

Christie’s first half sales at £1.8bn

21 July 2008

CHRISTIE’S have announced sales of £1.8bn ($3.5bn) for the first half of 2008, a ten per cent increase on the same period last year.

Low-end lots are suffering say UK auctioneers

14 July 2008

The second quarterly survey conducted by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors made gloomy reading for those engaged in the trade of traditional art and antiques.

Study questions value of online price indexes

02 June 2008

A NEW detailed survey of online art market information services concludes that they have a long way to go to be able to provide reliable information for art investors.

Sotheby’s make gains but decide to up their premium

19 May 2008

CONTEMPORARY art may still be heading skywards, but the imminent buyer’s premium rate increases – and Sotheby’s latest set of results – show that pressure at the margins is as intense as ever.

First RICS survey paints a positive picture for antiques trade

29 April 2008

The art and antiques business received some welcome positive publicity last week as a raft of national newspapers picked up on the headline findings of the first RICS Art & Antiques Market Survey.

Sotheby’s set $6.2bn sales total

03 March 2008

SOTHEBY’S have closed the gap between themselves and Christie’s on worldwide sales in 2007, announcing a record $6.2bn of consoldiated sales to Christie’s $6.3bn.

Prices up for precious metals

25 February 2008

THE price of precious metals surged last week as markets across the world continued to react to the high price of oil and the weak dollar.

Stamps boost Spink’s status

18 February 2008

Spink, the specialist London coin and stamp auctioneers, have announced auction revenues of £23.8m including premium for 2007.

