

European Union law

Rhino horn debate heats up as EU rules confuse

23 April 2007

RECENT sales of Rhino horn at provincial salerooms have brought into question the law that governs the trade in taxidermy and wildlife specimens.

Barometers safe under EC ruling

12 April 2006

FEARS that the European Commission’s proposals to restrict the use of mercury could threaten the trade in antique barometers appear to have receded for the time being at least.

EU ruling raises level of import VAT on auctioneers' commissions

14 February 2006

THE European Court of Human Justice has scrapped the UK discount on import VAT for works of art in relation to auctioneers' commissions.

Whitehall to delay Droit de Suite, Minister still mulling over details

25 October 2005

BY IVAN MACQUISTEN Droit de Suite, the much-feared extra levy on art sales, cannot now be introduced in the UK on January 1 next year.

International bid to block worst effects of art levy

27 April 2005

A GATHERING of Europe’s leading art market professionals is calling on the European Commission to delay extending the worst effects of Droit de Suite after 2012 in the UK.

An unwelcome change to tax our patience

28 April 2004

THE British Numismatic Trade Association have just issued a notice to their members about a new European Union import tax. As from March 1 an ad valorem duty has been imposed on any United States Mint modern products imported into the European Union under the following codes – 71189000 and 71181010.

EU shelve changes to hallmarks

09 December 2003

By a vote of 9-6 the member states of the European Union opted to shelve plans to change current laws relating to the hallmarking of precious metals. The decision not to proceed with the controversial Precious Metals Directive, taken on November 21, was welcomed by British hallmarkers, anxious to preserve one of the nation’s earliest forms of consumer protection.

Swiss to sign UNESCO

08 September 2003

The Antiquities Dealers’ Association have welcomed the news that Switzerland looks set to ratify the 1970 UNESCO Convention which calls for signatory countries to collaborate on the repatriation of stolen and illicit works of art.

French auctioneers berate their watchdog and work on UK links

17 April 2003

FRENCH auctioneers are trying to build links with the British Art Market Federation to campaign against damaging European Union regulations which are driving business across the Atlantic to the USA.

TEFAF relaunch attack on Import VAT and EU rules

24 February 2003

Scrap it or at least make life easier for the trade, new study demands: THE European Union should look again at the whole issue of Import VAT and art market red tape, say The European Fine Art Foundation.

EU to bring in new rules to combat money laundering

17 February 2003

European Union rules to combat money laundering due to come into force in June will oblige businesses accepting cash payments of more than €15,000 (£9400) to adopt a raft of new procedures.

Red tape, not taxes, the biggest threat in Europe, say BAMF

07 October 2002

COMPLEX bureaucracy and form filling are the biggest threat to small business – the backbone of the European art market – says Anthony Browne, chairman of the British Art Market Federation.

EC intend to act on collusion

22 April 2002

The European Commission announced last week that they intend to take action against Sotheby’s and Christie’s regarding a whole range of anti-competitive practices.

Trade await European ruling over price fixing

11 December 2001

Pending appeals leave compensation in limbo: With the conviction of Sotheby’s chief shareholder, Alfred Taubman, on price-fixing charges, attention now turns to the outstanding matters concerning compensation.

EU give final approval to droit de suite

27 July 2001

The long debate over droit de suite, the artists resale levy, is over after the European Union finally ratified the measure in Brussels last week.

Blair will still vote against artists’ levy

20 June 2001

PRIME Minister Tony Blair has taken the unusual step of announcing that the UK government will vote against droit de suite, the artists resale levy, when the European Union puts it to the final vote.

Strasbourg blow over droit de suite

19 December 2000

THE British Art Market Federation has expressed disappointment as the European Parliament is seeking to reverse special provisions for the UK concerning droit de suite, the artists’ resale levy.

Artists against Droit de Suite

04 December 2000

SEVENTY-FIVE leading contemporary artists have lent their names to a poster campaign against droit de suite, claiming that the currrent EU directive on artists’ resale right deprives them of their right to freedom of choice.

BAMF keeps up the pressure on the EU over droit de suite

31 October 2000

ANTHONY Browne, chairman of the British Art Federation, has just led a delegation of art dealers to Strasbourg to lobby the European Parliament further on the artists’ resale levy, droit de suite.

Auctioneers face new commission enquiries

14 February 2000

UK: The UK Office of Fair Trading and the European Union regulatory body for competition have begun their own investigations into alleged commission fixing by Sotheby's and Christie's.