


Trade lobbying helps win reprieve on US imports of Chinese art and antiques

24 September 2018

The art and antiques trade celebrated a victory in the US after the Trump administration dropped plans for an import tax of 25% on art and antiques of Chinese origin.

Donald Trump

Chinese art and antiques will NOT be subject to President Donald Trump's import tariff

18 September 2018

Chinese art and antiques have been spared from the imposition of a new US import tax on Chinese goods, after protests by art market leaders that the move would hurt US-based art and antiques firms and collectors, ATG has learned.

Dealers ‘must prepare for digital VAT reporting’

03 September 2018

BADA and LAPADA have alerted their members that any business with an annual taxable turnover more than the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000) should keep digital records.

Trump’s Chinese art tax ‘would hit small dealers’, culture lawyer tells US government officials

27 August 2018

A leading US culture lawyer has testified at Washington, DC trade hearings about how a Chinese art import tariff would have a negative effect on small and medium-sized US dealers.

Dominic Raab.

UK government to hire more than a thousand Border Force workers in preparation for possibility of ‘no deal’ Brexit

23 August 2018

Brexit minister Dominic Raab revealed the government has hired an extra 300 staff for the Home Office’s Border Force ready for the UK’s exit from the European Union and will recruit another 1000 “ready to deal with any increase in work”.

US lawyer argues art market’s case against President Trump’s Chinese tariff

21 August 2018

A leading art market lawyer is among more than 300 US business chiefs, legal experts and trade bodies attending hearings in Washington, DC this week to argue against the Trump administration’s proposed tariffs on Chinese imports into the US.

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US and UK trade unite to oppose 25% tariff threat in Trump's trade war

13 August 2018

Dealers and auctioneers in the US and UK are mobilising in the hope of removing works of art from the thousands of items caught up in the escalating US-China trade war.


Comment: Trade is putting up a good fight against Trump’s tariff

13 August 2018

The US-China trade war, previously the stuff of new technology, heavy industry and agribusiness, has now opened a new front: cultural heritage. The threat of a 25% tariff on imported Chinese art and antiques will soon be discussed in Washington, DC.


Trade cautiously welcomes government’s Autumn Statement help for small businesses

22 November 2017

Small businesses were given a small reprieve in chancellor Philip Hammond’s Autumn Statement today with an update on business rates and the VAT threshold.


All eBay final value fees now subject to VAT

04 September 2017

For the first time eBay is applying VAT to the fees of its business sellers.

HM Treasury

Reprieve for small businesses as Treasury delays plans for digital quarterly reporting

14 July 2017

Small businesses are celebrating after plans to enforce online quarterly reporting were delayed by government.

Trade greets tax reporting change delay

02 May 2017

A now-postponed plan by HMRC to require businesses and the self-employed to file tax returns quarterly rather than yearly “would create havoc” if it was imposed as scheduled in 2018, dealers have told ATG.

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Dealers welcome delay in shift to quarterly digital tax returns

26 April 2017

The decision to delay and possibly shelve a requirement for businesses and the self-employed to file tax returns quarterly rather than yearly has been welcomed by dealer body BADA, which had lobbied against it.


Trade bodies say Budget 2017 ‘ducks desperate need for business rate reform’

18 March 2017

The antiques trade has expressed disappointment following the Spring Budget, after its reform of business rates fell short of the wholesale changes requested by industry bodies.


Antiques trade hopeful of business rates reform following government u-turn on National Insurance

16 March 2017

A government u-turn on a National Insurance rise has been welcomed by the art and antiques trade, giving hope that a review of business rates could follow.

Business rates lobbying

11 March 2017

Trade bodies are lobbying the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, about a planned hike in business rates, ahead of his first Budget speech on March 8.

Marco Forgione and Sadiq Khan

BADA chief lobbies Mayor of London Sadiq Khan on business rates rises and new tax reporting rules

03 March 2017

The chief executive of BADA, Marco Forgione, has lobbied Mayor of London Sadiq Khan on imminent hikes to business rates and changes to tax reporting that are set to impact the trade.


Project connects public with art and heritage from private collections

17 February 2017

Thousands of privately-owned works have become easier to access than ever before on a website launched by the Open Inheritance Art project.


April business rates hike to hit dealers in London and Cotswolds the hardest

14 February 2017

Shop owners in London and the south of England are facing a significant increase in business rates when bills arrive in April.

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Dealer Guy Wildenstein cleared of tax fraud after Paris criminal trial

12 January 2017

Art dealer Guy Wildenstein has been cleared of tax fraud in a surprise verdict following a criminal trial in Paris.