Law, crime and regulation

Legal cases, stolen art, regulation and tax issues remain important part of the art and antiques sector.

This category ranges from the levy of the Artist’s Resale Right to controversies over fakes and forgeries.

Murderer of silver dealer given life sentence

13 December 2013

A man has been sentenced to life in prison for the “cold and calculated” killing of a silver dealer.

Sale date set for the stolen Stradivarius

13 December 2013

The Stradivarius violin which was stolen from Euston station in 2010 and recovered earlier this year will be offered at Tarisio auctioneers this month.

£15,000 haul in Harrogate

29 November 2013

Jewellery worth between £10,000 and £15,000 has been stolen from Harrogate Antiques Centre.

New campaign for national database of stolen art and antiques

27 November 2013

EDITOR’S COMMENT – In 2001, I had the privilege of being the first journalist to quiz the then arts minister, Alan Howarth, on recommendations submitted by an expert panel investigating measures for tackling the illicit trade in cultural goods.

Police chiefs call for new theft database

27 November 2013

Talks have begun once more on creating a national stolen property database to tackle the £300m problem of heritage and cultural property crime.

Riesco sale to go ahead as challengers fail to raise cash

25 November 2013

The sale by Christie’s of 24 items of Chinese ceramics from Croydon’s Riesco Collection will go ahead after a legal challenge failed through lack of funds.


Robbers target Chippenham Auction Rooms

13 November 2013

A sale at Chippenham Auction Rooms had to be cancelled after thieves broke in overnight by removing tiles from the roof.

Croydon race to fend off Riesco judicial review

12 November 2013

Campaigners against the sale of 24 items of Chinese ceramics from Croydon council’s Riesco Collection were in a race against time to raise money for their judicial review.

French U-turn on import VAT

06 November 2013

The French art world has welcomed their government’s decision to cut, rather than increase, the rate on tax for works imported in to France from outside the EU.

Data Protection update shows how to share rogue bidder info

06 November 2013

ATG’s sister operation, online auction platform, has gone some way to solving the problem of alerting auctioneers to rogue bidders under the Data Protection Act.

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Thieves take another publicly displayed Moore

28 October 2013

Another Henry Moore sculpture has been taken in the latest in a spate of thefts targeting works by the artist.

Call for data protection review to tackle rogue bidders

24 October 2013

Auctioneer John Nicholson has called for a review of data protection rules when it comes to alerting salerooms to serial non-payers and problem bidders.

The importance of the Punta Cana Pewter Wreck

16 October 2013

Martin Roberts, the UK specialist who worked as a consultant on the Punta Cana site, discusses the importance of the Pewter Wreck.

Appeal to trade over Stuart Porter fraud probe

14 October 2013

Officers carrying out a fraud investigation at Stuart Porter Antiques in Stamford are asking any small dealers who rented space at the premises to contact them.

Cheque fraudsters jailed over fairs con

10 October 2013

Three fraudsters have been sentenced for a widespread scam using dud cheques at antiques fairs across the country.

Nobel Peace medal thief is jailed

10 October 2013

A Nobel Peace Prize medal stolen from the Lord Mayor’s Mansion House in Newcastle is still missing despite a 21-year-old man being jailed for the theft.

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Jane Austen gold ring to stay in the UK

04 October 2013

The Jane Austen’s House Museum at Chawton in Hampshire has raised the £150,000 needed to keep a gold turquoise ring once owned by Jane Austen in the country.

Trade back challenge to fakes claim

27 September 2013

The trade have strongly backed our comment last week calling into question the reliability of claims that 40% of antiques on the UK market are fakes or forgeries.

Police launch fraud probe into Stamford dealer and appeal for further evidence

25 September 2013

Police have launched an investigation into a suspected fraud centred on a Lincolnshire antiques business.

Who says 40% of UK antiques are fakes?

23 September 2013

Recent publicity for the new TV series ‘Treasure Detectives’ prompted a number of articles claiming that 40% of all antiques on the UK market are fakes.

