Law, crime and regulation

Legal cases, stolen art, regulation and tax issues remain important part of the art and antiques sector.

This category ranges from the levy of the Artist’s Resale Right to controversies over fakes and forgeries.

Copyright changes risk new era of disputes

02 July 2012

Proposals to extend copyright on some designs from 25 to 70 years could set off a whole new era of legal disputes.

Statement in response to Artist’s Resale Right postcard campaign

02 July 2012

Below is the full text of the statement made by Baroness Wilcox, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, on June 14, 2012.

Firearms law causes confusion

26 June 2012

Antique firearm collectors and dealers are at risk of prosecution because of gun ownership laws. The warning comes from firearms law expert Laura Saunsbury, of Lewis Nedas & Co solicitors in Camden, London. The firm have been involved in recent cases where possession of antique weapons has been the issue.

Police urged to treat Portobello as a ‘priority’

19 June 2012

Pressure for better police cover is starting to pay off for Portobello antiques dealers – but they say there is still much to be done. The traders have been incensed by cuts that left just four officers to patrol the area in pairs on Saturdays despite a recent rise in robberies, and demanded action on extra patrols.

Government's inadequate response to Resale Right campaign

19 June 2012

COMMENT: As reported last week, the postcard campaign launched by art dealer Niall Fairhead in a bid to raise the threshold for the Artist's Resale Right has made progress, attracting more signatories for the online petition and eliciting answers from the Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

Suspected thieves charged with auction house burglaries

19 June 2012

Four suspected thieves were due to appear in court in connection with a series of burglaries at six auction houses in the south of England last year.


Plaque found after appeal

19 June 2012

A medieval Nottingham alabaster plaque prised away from a London church has been recovered after the appeal in ATG.

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Portobello dealers feel abandoned over policing

19 June 2012

COMMENT: More than 60,000 visitors on a summer Saturday, one of the most popular tourist spots in the UK, a name so recognised internationally that the local council wants to brand a Crossrail station after it... there are plenty of reasons to protect Portobello‘s antiques trade.


ARR postcard campaign starts to hit home

12 June 2012

Close to 800 postcards in the Artist’s Resale Right campaign have already arrived at the Department of Culture, with more on the way.

US judge strikes out resale act

06 June 2012

A federal judge has declared the 1977 California Resale Royalty Act unconstitutional.

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Portobello in plea for more protection

06 June 2012

An alarming rise in violent robberies on antiques dealers in Portobello Road has spurred them into action to call for better police cover, CCTV cameras and even private security guards.


More carvings taken in spate of church thefts

29 May 2012

Two more churches have been hit by thieves in the latest of a series of break-ins targeting medieval monuments and carvings.

Expert witnesses lose immunity from civil claims

21 May 2012

The English Supreme Court has ruled that expert witnesses will no longer enjoy immunity from civil lawsuits when giving evidence in either civil or criminal legal proceedings.

Supreme Court’s ruling on expert witnesses

21 May 2012

Comment: Nicholas Somers, FNAVA. FRSA.


Ramraiders target Auction Company Broadway

21 May 2012

Ramraiders have stolen more than 50 silver and jewellery items worth up to £20,000 from an auction house in Worcestershire.


Wenlok jug stolen from museum

21 May 2012

A very rare medieval jug, originally sold at Sotheby’s but then put on display by a Luton museum after a successful appeal to keep it in the UK, has been stolen.

Beginning of the end for phone payments?

14 May 2012

Glasgow auction house McTear’s have scrapped payments over the phone in a bid to tackle credit card fraud. They now use an online system, which they say customers prefer and is safer all round.


Your chance to make a difference over Resale Right

10 May 2012

This week’s printed copy of ATG contains a postcard addressed to the Culture Secretary carrying the following message: “I oppose the extension of Artist’s Resale Right to works by deceased artists and request that the threshold which triggers it be raised from €1000 to €3000.”


Cameo suspend trading over publicity and police investigation

08 May 2012

Beset by allegations of non-payment and credit card irregularities, Berkshire saleroom Cameo Fine Art Auctioneers have suspended trading.

International recognition for Cranfield fakes project

08 May 2012

An international award scheme set up two years ago has honoured Cranfield University’s programme of research into art market fakes and forgeries.

