Letters to the Editor

ATG letters: What’s next – an auction room admission fee?

04 February 2019

MADAM – a simple question to auctioneers in general: are you in danger of slowly killing the goose that lays the golden eggs?

ATG letter: Insurance implications of the 'sleeper'

28 January 2019

MADAM – I totally agree with the comments made by Eddie Holt (‘Spectacularly wrong valuations? No thanks’, Letters, ATG No 2376) regarding valuations given by ‘experts’.

ATG letter: Fees should not penalise those with knowledge

28 January 2019

MADAM – Bearing in mind that auctioneering can be a university qualification (unlike dealing) and is an occupation that charges for its services, should there not be some form of censure and control over firms that get it so wrong?

BADA: No deal Brexit means Eurostar ban on CITES export

28 January 2019

MADAM – I refer to your Brexit article (‘No deal warning for CITES-listed items’, ATG No 2376).

ATG letter: Was this post-sale price right?

28 January 2019

MADAM – Recently I was interested in an Chinese tile for sale at a well-known auction that was estimated at £5000-8000.

ATG letter: Seller’s guide would help make a choice

21 January 2019

MADAM – You continue to receive letters from dealers complaining about buyer’s premiums.

ATG letter: In defence of auctioneers and their fees

21 January 2019

MADAM – Various of your correspondents over the last few weeks find that the prospect of paying for a condition report, as well as a buyer’s premium, sticks in their craw.

ATG letter: Spectacularly wrong valuations? No thanks...

21 January 2019

MADAM – At what point is the auction world going to own up and confront the shame of poor valuing?

ATG letter: Why you should watch out when wanting to look closely

21 January 2019

MADAM – I write to inform your readership of what I believe is potentially a disastrous new aspect of auction house practice.

Trade associations to mount survey on financial impact of ivory ban

14 January 2019

Antiques trade bodies are stepping up their plans for a judicial review of the Ivory Act that will come into law later this year.

ATG letters: New year resolutions response – boost ‘brown’, big-up the young and build business confidence

14 January 2019

MADAM – Your new year’s resolutions piece (ATG No 2374) was thought-provoking, citing aspirations and concerns reflecting the current art and antiques market.

ATG letter: Listen to Mr Spock to decide on ivory trade

07 January 2019

MADAM – F Segolini makes some interesting and valid points about the failure of alcohol prohibition in the US (Letters, ATG No 2373).


ATG letters: Condition reports – fine art auctioneers should learn from philatelics

07 January 2019

MADAM – I write regarding charging for condition reports for lower-value lots.

ATG letter: Just like Prohibition, ivory ban will not work

21 December 2018

MADAM – Re: ivory ban. I would very much like to add my tuppence worth to this ongoing issue.


ATG letters: Forget TV shows and focus on ‘more relevant’ debates like condition report charges

21 December 2018

MADAM – Have we lost the plot? Recently the ATG letters page has been taken over by debating whether one television show about antiques is better than the others available.

ATG letters: TEFAF dealers vetting decision is just bizarre

10 December 2018

MADAM – As someone who has been dealing in early furniture for over 50 years and who has served on vetting committees for the Grosvenor House and BADA fairs as well as having been a consultant for Sotheby’s, I find TEFAF’s decision to exclude dealers from their vetting is frankly bizarre.

ATG letter: Would the trade prefer landfill?

10 December 2018

MADAM – I appreciate I had my turn the other day (Letters, ATG No 2369), but a quick note covering two points if I may.

ATG letters: Charging for condition reports is ridiculous as auctioneers don’t know everything

10 December 2018

MADAM – Re: condition report charges at Moore Allen & Innocent for lower-value items.

ATG letters: Pencil is mightier than the label when it comes to books

10 December 2018

MADAM – Now that sticky labels have raised ire in the art world (Letters, ATG passim), your readers might like to know that they are the bookseller’s equivalent of Post-It notes in books.

ATG letters: Viewers voice more opinions on 'Make me a Dealer'

03 December 2018

MADAM – We have been watching 'Make me a Dealer' since it started (ATG Letters passim).

