Letters to the Editor

Ivory debate ‘lacks common sense’

20 November 2017

MADAM – I’m amazed at the lack of common sense that pervades the ivory debate. The only thing that will save live elephants is to stop the poaching.


Was ATG diligent with ad ‘in the style’ of Wallis?

20 November 2017

In ATG No 2316, on page 7, you report on a failure of due diligence over Alfred Wallis fakes (one pictured below).


Ivory - Final thoughts at one to midnight

20 November 2017

MADAM – Four years ago I was told by other dealers and auctioneers there was nothing to worry about in regards to a ban on antique ivory.

ATG letters: Ivory trade - the pressure is on

06 November 2017

MADAM – One would not expect a leading broadsheet to indulge in fake news, yet this regrettably occurred at the conclusion of a report in 'The Times' on ivory poaching by Aislinn Laing, who writes from Nairobi: “This month the UK announced the closure of its legal market in antique ivory” (October 25).

ATG letters: Ivory – the facts on UK exports and six steps to avoid a ban

30 October 2017

MADAM – Recently there have been several national press reports claiming that the UK is the world’s largest exporter of ivory. I felt your readers should know that this is not accurate.


ATG Letter: The CITES mammoth tusk task

23 October 2017

MADAM – Re: the proposed ban on the UK ivory trade, will mammoth ivory be exempt or have the same rules applied to it?


ATG Letter: Wilfred leaves his stamp on it

23 October 2017

MADAM – I have for some years owned an oil by Dorothea Sharp which bears the stamp above on the reverse twice: on the canvas and on the stretcher. It says: Collection of Wilfred Tomlinson.


ATG letter: Mystery of the missing Canova Magdalene

16 October 2017

MADAM – Some years ago, when I had a gallery in the King’s Road, a sculpture came up at auction which I missed, but shortly afterwards discovered to have been important.

ATG letter: We pay a heavy price for China’s failure on ivory

16 October 2017

MADAM – Regarding the ivory consultation (ATG No 2312), I despair that sound pragmatic arguments have been overwhelmed by unproven and exaggerated links to the poaching problem.

ATG letter: Antiques Roadshow format – go back to basics

09 October 2017

MADAM – It was interesting to read Bruce Parker’s Antiques Roadshow memories (‘All areas of the trade have done well’ out of Roadshow, says first presenter’, Letters, ATG No 2310).

ATG letter: On the other side of the EU fence

09 October 2017

MADAM – I feel that I must take issue with Robin Butler over his attempt to blame the EU for the lamentable fiasco that was this year’s Lille Braderie (‘Blame the EU for Braderie’, Letters, ATG No 2310).


ATG letter: Help us find the missing Bukovac

02 October 2017

MADAM – I am writing to inform your readers of my search for the paintings of the Croatian artist Vlaho Bukovac (1855-1922). His two main patrons in this country were Samson Fox in Harrogate and Richard LeDoux in Liverpool.


ATG letter: ‘Primitive’ art no more

02 October 2017

MADAM – I very much enjoyed your features on tribal art (ATG Nos 2306, 2307) in which two fairs, Tribal Art London and Parcours des Mondes, were previewed.


ATG letter: ‘All areas of the trade have done well’ out of the Antiques Roadshow, says first presenter

25 September 2017

MADAM – It has been fascinating reading about the 40th anniversary of the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow, of which I was the first presenter in 1977.

ATG letter: Blame the EU for your reader's bad experience at this year's Lille Braderie

25 September 2017

MADAM – How I sympathise with your commentator, Roy Price, on the current state of the Lille Braderie (Letters, ATG No 2309).


ATG letter: Lille braderie: ‘ a shadow of its former self’

18 September 2017

MADAM – I feel compelled to write and let ATG’s readers know about my experience at the recent Grande Braderie de Lille (2-3 September).


ATG letter: Can you help me to trace Hennell works?

11 September 2017

MADAM – Could the expert readers of the Antiques Trade Gazette help me with some research please?


ATG Letter: Simple aiming instrument was stroke of genius for the Dambusters

04 September 2017

MADAM – With reference to Tom Derbyshire’s article ‘The button that bust the dam’ (militaria special, ATG No 2305), I would like to highlight the part that Wing Commander (later Air Commodore) CL Dann, head of aeronautics at the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), played in inventing the simple aiming instrument that was to be adopted in the successful bombing of the Möhne dam in 1943.


ATG Letter: Help us to commemorate Artists’ Rifles bravery

04 September 2017

MADAM – I am writing to ATG following your militaria special (ATG No 2305) to tell you about The Trench Experience, a registered educational charity which uses the Artists’ Rifles regiment to illustrate what happened in the trenches during the First World War.

ATG Letter: The axing of credit for dealers by auction houses levels the playing field

04 September 2017

MADAM – Some would say ‘at long last’… Auctioneers throughout the country have started to take Boningtons’ lead and withdraw the two weeks – or, in some cases, 30 days – credit traditionally offered to many silver and furniture dealers in exchange for their regular attendance at sales.

