Letters to the Editor

ATG letter: End of medals and coins sales at Bonhams also means end of Glendining’s

11 July 2022

You reported on the front page of the ATG (No 2550) that Bonhams has added another auction house to its expanding stable.


That picture was worth a thousand words

11 July 2022

Viewing the superb image, captured on video (ATG No 2550), one can almost hear Tom Holland shout, “Yesss!”, in abandoned ecstasy, on securing for £3500 his dinosaur – specifically, a Psittacosaurus skeleton – sold at Woolley & Wallis last month.


ATG lettter: Our customers value fast, free and efficient shipping

04 July 2022

We were concerned to read the letter ‘Salerooms should get on board with in-house shipping’ (ATG No 2548).


ATG letter: A budding toy collector?

27 June 2022

I thought that you would be interested to see this photo.

Packing Cases

ATG letter: Insurers must get on board with eco-friendly packaging

27 June 2022

You may take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. In January 2020 my wife and I lent two modest paintings to the exhibition, 'Ulysses: Art and Legend', mounted by the Musei San Domenico in Forlí.

ATG letter: Why, with experience, I prefer offline bidding

27 June 2022

The wholesale switchover by some auction houses to mainly online bidding and information is no doubt beneficial on a financial basis but, in my view, for the serious collector it is a serious backward step.

ATG letter: Regal report

27 June 2022

I was amused to read that our Queen was left in charge of Whittons’ Jubilee auction during the lunch break (ATG 2548 letters page).


ATG letter: Salerooms should get on board with in-house shipping

20 June 2022

In many ways the advance of online auction platforms has been good all round, and most auction houses have stepped up to the mark with good liaison with regard to condition reports, efficient billing, and shipping purchases at realistic prices. I factor such in-house shipping costs into my bidding.

ATG LETTER: My 9% ivory could be another’s 11%

13 June 2022

As a dealer with a number of antique ivory works of art for sale, I am now having to involve myself in conforming to the new legislation.


ATG letter: Watching out for Buckinghamshire watchmaker

06 June 2022

Can anyone help, please, or point me in the direction of someone who can?


ATG letter: Time and place mysteries

06 June 2022

I am hoping that someone may be able to solve a chair ‘mystery’. It was most recently from the collection of Bernard Nevill at Philip Webb’s ‘West House’ (designed and built for artist George Price Boyce in 1868-69), also known as being the set for ‘Uncle Monty’s House’ in the 1987 film Withnail and I.

ATG letter: Portrait miniatures on ivory – we should follow the example of ARR at lower values

30 May 2022

Portrait miniature on ivory are among the exemptions provided in the new Ivory Act [coming into force on June 6 – see front page of this issue].

ATG letter: Costs of getting to London drive me away

23 May 2022

Congratulations to both Portobello and Admiral Vernon for restarting after the pandemic.

ATG letter: Salerooms as schoolrooms

23 May 2022

Woolley & Wallis should be heartily congratulated for launching their internship scheme which will give one lucky candidate the opportunity of gaining invaluable experience and training in a range of subjects at one of our leading auction houses (News, ATG No 2542).

ATG letter: Memories of Stateside shipping

23 May 2022

Peter Cannon-Brookes’ (Letters, ATG No 2541) memories of shipping exhibitions by sea bring to mind two dissimilar experiences which might amuse.

ATG letter: Please remember that dealers are trying to make a living

16 May 2022

As a dealer for 35 years I feel I must reply to the private collector who feels hard done by because some fairs have a trade day.

ATG letter: Collectors are mostly private people – beware of fair demands for personal details

16 May 2022

I read with interest your news highlighting the decisions being taken by several fair organisers to make changes to their admissions policy.

Statue 2

ATG letter: Nicosia Convention – my thoughts on how it could tackle cultural goods trafficking

09 May 2022

The Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property (also known as the ‘Nicosia’ Convention) entered into force on April 1.

ATG letter: Antique lace purchase put life into perspective

09 May 2022

Recently my son Phil Swift (Antique Laces – stall 1 Portobello Road) sold a piece of antique lace via the internet to a lady who lived in Kyiv (Ukraine).


ATG letter: Chelsea book fair – what a lovely venue

09 May 2022

I went to the Chelsea book fair [The ABA Chelsea Rare Book Fair] at Chelsea Town Hall on Saturday, April 30. What a delightful fair, set in a wonderful building, with a wonderful atmosphere and books on proper bookshelves.

