Letters to the Editor

ATG letter: Demands for Antiques Roadshow ivory crackdown fill me with despair

15 January 2018

MADAM – This week I listened in utter disbelief as actress and wildlife campaigner Virginia McKenna spoke on Radio 4’s Today programme calling for the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow to no longer show any items which contain ivory elements.

ATG letter: What kind of ivory?

15 January 2018

MADAM – It is not clear from all the correspondence and articles in ATG as to whether the ivory ban will be limited to elephant and marine ivory and, if so, leaving one free to trade in items made from mammoth, warthog and hippo ivory.

ATG letter: Will fake ivory be detected?

08 January 2018

MADAM – My husband and I are private collectors of antiques and we made a submission to Defra’s ivory consultation.

ATG letter: Magician and Meissen man

08 January 2018

MADAM – May I bring this sad news to your readers’ attention please?

ATG letter: Image rights and wrongs

08 January 2018

MADAM – In the first issue of the New Year (ATG No 2323) you report on page 7 that your readers “are vexed by fakes more than Brexit”.


ATG letter: Saucers serve up further clues to first American porcelain

08 January 2018

MADAM – I have just seen Roland Arkell’s article on the discovery of a John Bartlam teapot (ATG No 2323). You may be interested to know that I used to own two of the previously recorded pieces of Bartlam porcelain which were originally believed to be Isleworth.

ATG letter: Antique ivory ban would drive the trade into the hands of criminals

02 January 2018

Copy of a letter to the proposed ivory ban consultation (which is now closed):


ATG letter: Has anyone clocked who W Banks was?

02 January 2018

Can any of your readers help with research into the obscure 17th century clockmaker William Banks?

Dear ATG: letter highlights of 2017

18 December 2017

Our selection of reader letters summing up the issues that roused your passions in 2017...


ATG Letter: Recent memories of much alive Lord Carrington

18 December 2017

MADAM – In your report last week (ATG No 2321) about the forthcoming (December 21) debate in the House of Lords concerning the proposed ivory ban, you refer to “the late Lord Carrington, former chairman of Christie’s”.


ATG Letter: Why mooted ivory ban is political not environmental

18 December 2017

MADAM – The entirety of the antiques trade, past, present and especially future, should express considerable gratitude to Paul Moss, Philip Mould, Martin Levy and the rest who strove to counter the ignorance of, not only the general public, but of our law-makers in speaking to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the issue of the proposed blanket ban on the sale of elephant ivory within the UK (ATG No 2319).

ATG letter: Why selling ivory is shameful

11 December 2017

MADAM – I write on behalf of Action for Elephants UK in response to Ian Harris’ letter published in ATG No 2320. Our group has been calling on the government to fulfil the promise made in two election manifestos and impose a total ban on the UK ivory trade.


ATG letter: Pendant celebrates a sane King George III

11 December 2017

MADAM – In your recent jewellery special (ATG No 2318, page 27) you review items recently sold by Lawrences of Crewkerne.

ATG letter: The post-1947 rule works, so why change?

11 December 2017

MADAM – Here is the text of a letter sent to The Rt Hon Lord Maude of Horsham, The House of Lords:

ATG letter: I’ve had enough of extra charges

04 December 2017

MADAM – Re: your piece on card fee changes (News, ATG No 2316) and in particular to Greg Bateman’s (Batemans Auctioneers) and Simon Chislett’s (Mallams) comments about passing on the charges to buyers.

ATG letter: New ivory sold ‘as antique’ is big problem

04 December 2017

MADAM – In the ivory debate, the argument concerning cultural vandalism has been made effectively. The financial loss to collectors and dealers has been well aired.

Fair theft is insult to Great War hero’s memory

04 December 2017

MADAM – Theft at an antiques fair is bad enough, but when it involves the memory of a First World War hero and a slice of our patriotic and social history, it is abhorrent.


ATG letter: Award-winning panel debate

27 November 2017

MADAM – I cannot believe that I am the only one amused, confused and puzzled by your report (ATG No 2317) of the magnificent lacquer panel by the Japanese master Shibata Zeshin being chosen as the “outstanding work offered by an auction house” and gaining for Bonhams the Asian Art in London award at this autumn’s festival.

ATG letter: Don’t be complacent on ivory trade ban risk

27 November 2017

MADAM – I wrote to my MP in February regarding the ivory issue and his reply stated that the consultation was going to be on ‘modern’ ivory!

The merits of chargeback

20 November 2017

MADAM – I was interested to read about good practice in regards to credit and debit card chargebacks (ATG No 2316).

