Law, crime and regulation

Legal cases, stolen art, regulation and tax issues remain important part of the art and antiques sector.

This category ranges from the levy of the Artist’s Resale Right to controversies over fakes and forgeries.

Derby mezzotint stolen

09 June 2003

A rare Joseph Wright of Derby mezzotint valued at £9500 was stolen from prints and maps dealer Sanders of Oxford on June 3. At around 4.00pm two white men entered the shop. Both were in their late 40s, one 5ft 7in high of stocky build with short, dark grey hair, the other slightly taller with balding, brown, short hair.

LAPADA issues guidelines over US settlement cheques

09 June 2003

LAPADA has issued some valuable guidelines to the recipients of cheques relating to the Sotheby’s and Christie’s price-fixing settlement in the USA. As the cheques began to arrive by post last week many were surprised to see that the US Federal Government had deducted a withholding tax from the awards.

Appeal Court ruling protects auctioneer in good faith claim

02 June 2003

A man who had a 17th century Dutch panel painting stolen from his home more than 20 years ago has failed in an Appeal Court to win compensation from Christie’s, who offered the picture for sale in 1997. Key to the test case was Christie’s ability to show they had acted in good faith, adding further legal weight to the importance of due diligence.

Alert after robber strikes in Chelsea

28 May 2003

LONDON: POLICE are hunting a robber who escaped with two bronzes from a Chelsea shop after a violent struggle with the dealer. The robber, who struck at the Chelminski Gallery in the King’s Road on Wednesday, May 14, is thought to be the same man who has attempted a number of similar raids at shops in the area over the past two years.

New money laundering regulations for June

28 May 2003

NEW Money Laundering Regulations, affecting dealers and auctioneers, are due to be published in the middle of June with the new code enforceable after a grace period of three months.

Anti-looting Bill will bring in due diligence by the back door

20 May 2003

DUE diligence will effectively become a legal obligation when the Bill aimed at clamping down on the illicit trade in cultural objects becomes law.

Dealers alert trade over cheque fraudster

20 May 2003

DEALERS are being warned to look out for a well-dressed man using stolen cheques to pay for antiques at fairs.

Antiquities Bill wins Government backing

06 May 2003

Potential impact on legal trade still not clear: Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell has set out a five-point plan for the future protection of cultural objects in the light of the looting in Iraq. Central to the plan is the adoption of MP Richard Allan’s Private Member’s Bill, which failed to proceed in parliament earlier this year.

Italian amnesty may leave lost antiquities with those who hold them illegally

29 April 2003

ART collectors in Italy in possession of illegally acquired antiquities may now be able to come clean to the authorities and keep the works concerned.

Indonesia credit card con persists

29 April 2003

PHONE calls to the Antiques Trade Gazette over the past two weeks make it clear that the trade is still being targeted by credit card fraudsters from Indonesia.

Claim form queries

29 April 2003

A NUMBER of dealers and collectors have contacted the Antiques Trade Gazette about notifications they have received concerning the settlement of claims relating to the Sotheby’s and Christie’s collusion case.

Cambridge experts set out plan for saving Iraqi artefacts

29 April 2003

The Illicit Antiquities Research Centre at Cambridge University have set out a list of short- and long-term objectives to help restore works to the museums of Iraq.

Iraq antiquities crisis revives call for UK stolen art database

22 April 2003

AS the antiquities trade brace themselves to cope with the fall-out of the mass looting of artefacts in Iraq, a UK stolen art database takes centre stage once more. Trade organisations in Britain and around the world have acted immediately to ensure members follow guidelines that will prevent any dealing in pieces that may have been looted during the recent Iraq war.

French auctioneers berate their watchdog and work on UK links

17 April 2003

FRENCH auctioneers are trying to build links with the British Art Market Federation to campaign against damaging European Union regulations which are driving business across the Atlantic to the USA.

June hearing will rule on auction house compensation

15 April 2003

A JUNE 3 New York court hearing will rule whether Sotheby’s and Christie’s should pay $40m compensation to clients who bought and sold at their auctions outside the US during the 1990s.

Smash and grabbed!

26 March 2003

You’ve heard of a pain in the arse? Well here’s an arse in the pane! This would-be burglar was caught in the act as he tried to break into the London offices of coin dealers and auctioneers A.H. Baldwin.

Auction houses to settle anti-trust claims outside US

19 March 2003

Christie’s and Sotheby’s have each agreed to pay $20m (£13m) to clients who bought and sold antiques at auctions held outside America.

New alert over Data Protection rip-off

05 March 2003

A company condemned by the Information Commissioner for misleading businesses into paying unnecessary fees for registering under the Data Protection Act is still targeting antique dealers across the country.

J. Jeffryes clock stolen

05 March 2003

UK: AN educational charity in Derbyshire is offering a substantial reward for information leading to the safe return of the mechanism and dial of a longcase clock.

TEFAF relaunch attack on Import VAT and EU rules

24 February 2003

Scrap it or at least make life easier for the trade, new study demands: THE European Union should look again at the whole issue of Import VAT and art market red tape, say The European Fine Art Foundation.

