Law, crime and regulation

Legal cases, stolen art, regulation and tax issues remain important part of the art and antiques sector.

This category ranges from the levy of the Artist’s Resale Right to controversies over fakes and forgeries.


Handbags at dawn: Dispute between Christie’s and Heritage Auctions over three handbag specialists heads to US court

23 February 2018

A dispute between Dallas-based Heritage Auctions and Christie’s over the employment of Matthew Rubinger and two colleagues is heading to a US court.

John Martin

Government issues export bar for John Martin watercolour in hope of finding UK buyer

22 February 2018

A £1.5m watercolour by British artist John Martin has been barred from export in the hope a buyer in the UK can be found.


Insolvency Service investigation leads to disqualification of Football Sport Auctions director

22 February 2018

Football Sport Auctions (FSA) director Andrew John Lane has been disqualified from being a company director for 10 years following the liquidation of the company in April 2016.

ATG letter: TV special should explain ivory in art

19 February 2018

MADAM – With the plethora of antiques-related shows on television, may I suggest that perhaps you could use your influence to have a specialist present a show on the subject of ivory in art.


ATG letter: Be realistic about a tax on ivory

19 February 2018

MADAM – Although I think that the BADA certification programme goes some way to pacifying the waters, the conservationists have very strong support even if they are blind to the past as seen in the story about wildlife charity Born Free launching an ivory ‘amnesty’ (ATG No 2329).


UK banks continue to question ‘Persian’ works of art sales over Iranian sanctions

19 February 2018

Britain’s major banks are continuing to crack down on the sale of Persian works of art in the face of ongoing US sanctions against Iran.

Introduction to the coinage of the Empire of Trebizond

Byzantine scholar’s entire collection stolen after break-in

16 February 2018

The entire coin collection of Byzantine scholar Simon Bendall was stolen from his home near Victoria in London during a break-in earlier this week.


TEFAF Talk: Calls for art market to create standards association

15 February 2018

An art trade-wide association regulating standards and ethics should be launched, chairman of The Art Loss Register Julian Radcliffe has argued.

Hong Kong

Antique ivory exemption remains in Hong Kong ivory ban

15 February 2018

Hong Kong’s bill for a stricter ban on ivory will be enacted this year but exemptions for antiques objects remain.


Appeal to help find stolen Anglo-Saxon beads and coins following Canterbury theft

13 February 2018

The Canterbury Archaeology Trust is appealing for help to find the 850 Anglo-Saxon glass beads, multiple coins, metal artefacts and bone objects that have been stolen in a series of thefts from a storeroom in Kent.

BADA to certify ivory ahead of law changes

12 February 2018

Antique dealers association BADA is to proceed with its planned certification scheme for objects made from or containing endangered species, ahead of any changes to the law.

ATG letter: Musings on ‘museum quality’: BAMF is ‘not living in the real world’

12 February 2018

MADAM – Re: the article ‘So what is museum quality?’ (Letters, ATG No 2328).

Julia Jackson

Government issues export bar for outstanding photo album by Julia Margaret Cameron in hope of finding UK buyer

07 February 2018

A photo album by Julia Margaret Cameron, one of the most important and innovative photographers of the 19th century, has been temporarily barred from export in the hope a buyer in the UK can match the asking price of £3.7m.


Art Loss Register, New York’s district attorney and antiquities dealers team up to safeguard Lebanese sculptures

06 February 2018

Antiquities looted during the Lebanese civil war in the 1980s are to go on display at the National Museum in Beirut after they were identified in Europe as stolen objects.


Four police forces team up to hunt criminal dubbed the ‘Night Watcher’ after more than £1m of antiques and jewellery stolen

06 February 2018

Surrey, Kent, Sussex and Thames Valley police are searching for information to catch the criminal who committed seven violent burglaries from Home Counties mansions in recent months.


Assay Office crackdown on illegal silver

05 February 2018

The London Assay Office (LAO) is to launch a crackdown on what it says is a rise in illegal antique silver being offered for sale.

Dolls' house

Government issues export bar for Georgian dolls’ house in hope of finding UK buyer

03 February 2018

A Georgian baby house or dolls’ house has been barred from export in the hope a buyer in the UK can be found.


Tetbury antiques dealer convicted of burglary of local jeweller

30 January 2018

A Tetbury antiques dealer and his father have been convicted for a burglary of a jewellery shop in Gloucestershire.


Government issues export bar for JMW Turner landscape in hope of finding UK buyer

29 January 2018

One of the few large-scale oil paintings by JMW Turner (1775-1851) left in private hands has been barred from export in the hope of finding a buyer in the UK.


Ivory debate - So what exactly does BAMF mean by ‘museum quality’?

29 January 2018

Readers have contacted ATG asking for a definition of ‘museum quality’ – the term used by the British Art Market Federation in regards to those pieces of antique ivory it believes should be exempt from any proposed ban. Here we publish BAMF's exemption explanation as featured in its submission to DEFRA.

