Industry data

Data used for analysing the art and antiques market includes surveys, prices indices, government figures and market reports.

These range from sector-specific studies such as the Antique Furniture Price Index to more general reports such as the annual TEFAF Report and the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report compiled by economist Clare McAndrew.


Figures support optimism on antiques exports

11 May 2020

The art and antiques sector could benefit from a boost by the UK government after the coronavirus pandemic when the focus shifts to growing international trade.


Exports: rising costs and licensing hitch highlight short-term challenges

11 May 2020

International exports are predicted to return to growth following the easing of the lockdown in the UK. However, current art and antiques exports have slowed to a trickle.

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UK remains in second place in global art market league table

05 March 2020

The UK has retained second place ahead of China in sales of art and antiques, according to the latest Art Basel and UBS global art market report 2020.


Record annual total and sales volume for London's numismatic auction houses

10 February 2020

A record take of £48m and a one-third increase in the number of lots available to bidders – ATG reviews a healthy 2019 for London numismatic saleroom


Regional market strong despite a year of turmoil

03 February 2020

Business was certainly hard-won but the elite of Britain and Ireland’s regional fine art auction houses enjoyed a largely positive 2019.


Single-owner sales significant among French auction turnovers

03 February 2020

Dedicated collections boost Sotheby’s as it tops list of French auction turnover figures.

Refinanced Stanley Gibbons moves in positive direction

02 December 2019

Losses narrowed for stamps, coins and medals business Stanley Gibbons in the six months to September 30.


Calling all collectors – take part in a survey on your collecting habits

07 November 2019

A survey has been launched to ask collectors about their habits and how they work with museums.

Antiques helped boost UK retail sales in June says ONS

05 August 2019

Second-hand goods including antiques have helped boost retail sales in June according to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics.

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Top end auction sales slow in first half of 2019

31 July 2019

Auction sales at the top of the sector have slowed in the first half of this year.


Lost to the nation: Newbattle Abbey casket and John Singer Sargent painting are among latest treasures cleared for export

26 July 2019

The Newbattle Abbey Kunstkammer is the latest work of art to be granted an export licence this year, despite the arts minister’s attempts to retain them for the nation.

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Antiques-driven rise in retail hailed by trade association chiefs

25 July 2019

Leaders of trade associations BADA and LAPADA have welcomed an announcement that antiques contributed to a recent rise in UK retail.

Fairs more important than ever, say dealers

15 July 2019

The proportion of picture dealers standing at fairs has risen significantly during the last two years according to findings from the latest biennial Society of London Art Dealers (SLAD) survey.

Chu Teh-Chun painting

Artcurial and Sotheby’s lead half-year French auction house totals

12 July 2019

Auction firms in France have been releasing their ‘Bilans’ or sales figures for the first half of 2019.


Rise of the fair for dealers revealed in latest SLAD survey

09 July 2019

More dealers than ever are flocking to fairs, according to the recent Society of London Art Dealers (SLAD) members survey.


Hiscox report shows online art market on the up

08 April 2019

The global online art market recorded sales up 9.8% to $4.64bn (£3.5bn) in 2018, according to the seventh annual Hiscox Online Art Trade Report 2019.

Online shopping

Experts predict consolidation in the global online art market as it maintains steady sales growth

02 April 2019

The global online art market recorded sales up 9.8% to $4.64bn (£3.5bn) in 2018, according to the seventh annual Hiscox Online Art Trade Report 2019.


Global Art Basel/UBS art market report finds five reasons to be cheerful

18 March 2019

The overall art and antiques market reported solid growth last year – though concerns about the year ahead clouded the responses to the 2019 Art Basel/UBS global art market survey.

Kejia Wu

TEFAF report reveals art buying trends in China

15 March 2019

Sixty-four percent of Chinese art collectors bought Western European modern and contemporary art in the past five years according to a survey conducted for the TEFAF Art Market Report which was presented at the fair as the doors opened for the second preview day.


Auction house Sotheby’s celebrates 275 years by ringing the New York Stock Exchange opening bell and launching London exhibition

11 March 2019

Sotheby’s held its very first auction on March 11, 1744, and today it is celebrating this 275-year milestone with the opening of an exhibition detailing its history in pictures.

