Letters to the Editor


ATG letter: Very handy for a house clearance

28 August 2023

Your back page on Volvos brought back many memories (‘Workhorse of the trade rides into the sunset after 70 years of toil’, ATG No 2605).


ATG letter: I am searching for Keith Henderson’s ‘little book’

28 August 2023

I have recently acquired a pencil portrait by Keith Henderson (1883-1982), the war artist and illustrator.


ATG letter: Heard of Hewston & Forster?

21 August 2023

I write to you concerning my search for any information about this label found on the back of a painting.


ATG letter: Liberty’s timbers – it’s such a shame

21 August 2023

I have been a subscriber to ATG for almost two decades and this is the first time I have written to you on a particular matter which I feel very strongly about.


ATG letter: Mystery painting – field of red flowers

21 August 2023

I wondered whether any of your readers can help with this painting, an oil on canvas with signature.

ATG Letter

ATG letter: ‘Dutch Auctions’ bring me down

07 August 2023

Regarding Sotheby’s announcement concerning its move to the Dutch Auction system [for some sales of digital art – see ATG No 2602], one is left questioning why they have adopted this system.

ATG letter: We are taking measures to keep our dealers safe from thieves say fair organisers

07 August 2023

Antiques Trade Gazette has recently reported on a spate of thefts at fairs and markets around the country, including at our own event.

ATG letter: Charlie Ross is not connected with Hanson Ross saleroom

24 July 2023

Antiques Trade Gazette reported (No 2600) on the recent opening of my new saleroom at Royston in the name of Hanson Ross.


ATG letter: That spoon was probably adapted for a disability

24 July 2023

I write in response to the letter from Andrew Morris (ATG No 2601) endeavouring to identify the use of the pivoting spoon.


ATG letter: Your coverage of thefts really does make a difference to us

17 July 2023

Thank you so much for taking notice of the plight of stallholders in London markets and fairs (ATG Nos 2599 & 2600).


Virtual letter: What a chatbot told us about the digital art market

17 July 2023

Last month Sotheby’s announced it would be using the Dutch auction format – whereby the price starts high and is reduced until a buyer is found – for some sales of digital art, sparking a flurry of online media coverage. Its new Gen Art Program will start with an auction on July 26.

ATG letter: Whitefriars on record

17 July 2023

I noticed your article on Whitefriars glass (collecting guide on antiquestradegazette.com).


ATG LETTER: Spoon bowls over the trade

10 July 2023

I wonder if any readers can help identify the purpose of a most unusual silver spoon in my possession.


Auctioneer Burns takes golf top spot in golf challenge

10 July 2023

Perth auctioneer Nick Burns of Lindsay Burns & Company was the winner of this year’s Scottish Auctioneers & Art Dealers golf tournament.

ATG Letter

ATG letter: ARR means UK dealers are consigning to the US

03 July 2023

I have recently been visited in London by an American-based auctioneer who is looking for sporting paintings for his upcoming sales in Kentucky in the New Year.

ATG letter: How stolen items can be traced using our register

03 July 2023

In the July 1 edition (ATG No 2599) there is the sad case of the theft of £100,000 of jewellery and a letter from a dealer on a number of other thefts.

ATG Letter

ATG letter: Cataloguing has become a bit lazy in the online era

03 July 2023

Some years ago I wrote a letter you published saying that the digital catalogue is no substitute for the printed form, as I believed the latter has a much greater attention span and it was something you tended to look at several times.

ATG letter: Spate of robberies hitting dealers is not opportunistic

26 June 2023

Every year there are large and small robberies committed against members of the antiques trade. These vary from ‘opportunist’ thieving – a brooch, a bag, a candlestick – to much more extreme and planned attacks.

ATG letter: I’m still waiting for fair refund

26 June 2023

I have been shown an article in ATG (No 2586) regarding Richard Cawood, the former organiser of the Antique Home & Vintage Fair that ran at York Racecourse for several years.


ATG letter: Why no Martin Brothers shows at museums?

12 June 2023

I would like to thank George Kingham of Kinghams Auctioneers and Michael Jefferies at Woolley & Wallis for organising two exhibitions to commemorate 150 years since the Martin Brothers Pottery was founded and 100 years since Robert Wallace Martin died (see ATG Nos 2587 and 2594).

